You know, I'd seen the "This year on
Big Brother..." commercials... and rolled my eyes and declared myself over the whole thing...
I'd heard the rumours that there will be no all swearing, all nudity, all filth "Adults Only" show... so I figured that without that, what was the point...
I'd seen the ads about "Mr X" and the lack of prize money and whatever... and shook my head and told myself I wasn't watching this year...
And yet I still ended up watching the opening show tonight... well, I'm pretty much over
Ugly Betty (I was watching more out of habit than anything else), the
Robin Hood thing on the ABC looks like it is going to get old fast, so I figured, what the hell.
Quick note for all concerned though... having a Mormon housemate and the possibility of a Muslim and/or a Christian housemate does not cover the whole "your housemates will reflect all walks of life" thing you've been going on about for weeks. And putting in one nerdy slightly chubby boy and one plump girl with really appalling taste in eyeshadow doesn't fulfill the whole "more average looking people" claim either. To remember what that looks like, please refer to
Year 3, when you actually did have "real" people in the house and many less gimmicks (although that was the year that the house was originally split in two, so maybe that's not completely true).
The "green" house thing is a nice touch though, with the rainwater tanks and the worm farms and the recycled artwork and light fittings and chairs and whatnot... although the four minute showers could severely cramp the possibility of naked screen captures.
Let's take a quick look at my thoughts on this year's crop of housemates though... if only so I can look back on this when the whole show is over and laugh at myself about how wrong I was...
Most Appealing Male Housemate: Thomas (second row center)... he just seems sweet, plus, you know, hot (and very, very, very tall)
Most Appealing Female Housemate: Haley (top row, center)... could be annoying over time, but seems nice enough
Most Annoying Male Housemate: Joel (bottom row, center)... you really aren't appealing or funny or interesting, shut up now
Most Annoying Female Housemate: Rebecca (third row, center)... the aforementioned Mormon... but trying too hard to be perky
Male Housemate Who Shouldn't Speak Ever: Travis (third row, left)... the really "Aussie" thing is going to get old really quick!
Male Housemate Who Seems Cute Now But Could Irritate Me: Bodie (top row, right)... underwear model, so, you know, I'm looking forward to seeing the evidence, but could be in need of a slap
Male Housemate Who Will Grow On Me Over Time: Jamie (third row, right)... chubby and nerdy, but could be worth watching... it will be interesting to see how he reacts to being the "unattractive" male in the house... or at least the "not thin" male
Housemate Most Likely To Win: Thomas, just coz I like him, at this point, who knows
Housemate Most Likely To Be Voted Out First: Kate (bottom row, right)... the green eyeshadow girl...
Male Housemate Most Likely To Shower Naked: Bodie (the underwear model thing)
Male Housemate Least Likely To Shower Naked: Jamie (the chubby thing)
Male Housemate Most Likely To Be A Big 'Mo: Thomas, Andrew (top left) and Bodie all score high on the 'Mo Meter (Joel kinda does too, but he annoys me, so probably not)... although Thomas was/is married and Andrew did claim not to be a 'mo... so god only knows... it would be nice to have a 'mo in again this year, but thinking about it, I don't think they do back to back 'mo years... first year had one, third year had an intruder 'mo, then we didn't have another one until year six last year (well, two actually)... so I think we're out of luck this year, but then I said that
last yearAdditional Housemates I Want To Go In: Suzannah and Harrison
Additional Housemates Who Will Probably Go In: Kara and Zoran
Additional Housemates Who Will Annoy Me If They Get In: Kara and Cruz
And obviously everyone was urgently trying to get onto the BB website tonight, because I tried to log in or sign up again or whatever, and it just kept falling on it's face... so hopefully that fixes itself tomorrow morning.
I will also acknowledge that it's incredibly dorky, but I just created a
new label category for BB related posts... somebody shoot me now...
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