So big thanks to Brenton from Aussielicious for playing along and sharing the individual images he used to make up his "Multiple Brenton" HNT #45 post last week. Actually it's a little bit of a "full circle moment", since Brenton is trying on his new Ginch Gonch undies in the shots, and the first official Random Hotness featured former GG model, Kolten...
The reason I actually asked Brenton for a contribution (other than the pleasure of seeing more of his lovely self) was so that I could say a big fat thank you to him... I check my website stats every morning over at Stat Counter, and I've been noticing for a while now that when I get to the "Came From" page that Aussielicious is usually at the top of the list (and sometimes in second place too given that whole "www" and "no www" thing that Blogger does). So big snaps for sending folks my way B! *grin*
And as an added bonus, I couldn't resist adding this extra shot he sent me... after all, what's better than a little "self love"... no... not that kind of self love... the "cloning accident" kind...

Thanks, Yani! Brenton is one of my favorites, and such great guy. AND a hot body!
I hope you returned the favour... look forward to seeing photos of you on Brenton's blog! :P
LOL You wish Tom! I'm much happier existed and the stylised idea everyone has in their heads thankyouverymuch... :)
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