
dolphins at the port

dolphins at the port 2007
Maritime Dolphin (left), Dolphin and Flora (top right), The Road Not Taken (bottom right)

In my ongoing series of posts that Tom thinks should be sponsored by SA Tourism Comission...

Being a Public Holiday today and all (Anzac Day, don't ya know), Ma and I decided that even though we'd spent pretty much the entire day together yesterday (all the way from breakfast near my place at around 8:30am, though some random bits of shopping to going to the movies before getting back here around 5 or so) since she's on leave this week, we could go down to Port Adelaide and check out some of the random stuff going on for The Port Festival, specifically the Dolphins in the Port art instillation.
In celebration of the International Year of the Dolphin and the Port Adelaide's Dolphin Sanctuary, a pod of dolphins have been created by a selection of South Australian artists.
I actually had assumed that they would be in one general area, maybe spread out along the side of the Port River, but no, there's a whole walking trail kind of deal going on... various places around the Port have taken specific dolphins in and made themselves part of the experience. Of course, the downside of going to see them on a public holiday is that a couple of the places were closed, so we didn't end up seeing them all, but I did like the ones we did see.

My personal favourite was the Dolphin and Flora dolphin by Nina Rupena & Irena Levak (that would be it up at the top right of the photo), but pretty much all the ones we saw had something going for them.

They're only there until this Sunday though, and then they get auctioned off to raise money for the Dolphin Sanctuary, but if you're in the area, they're definitely worth a look and a bit of a treasure hunt.

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Tom said...

Yay! You linked to them. Maybe they'll check their stats and link back to Adelaide's premier blogger!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Yani,
Nina Rupena

yani said...

My pleasure Nina :)