I do have a ton of saved up memes from my random searching, so it might be something regular for a little while... memes ahoy!
I actually found two versions of this one, and ended up squishing them into one bumper edition... I dropped a couple of questions that didn't make sense and merged the rest.
- Contemporary, Historical, or Paranormal?
Probably Historical, so long as we're talking about types of fiction... depends on the particular type of history I guess... if it's Japanese, Chinese or French themed, then I'm generally all over it. - Science Fiction, Fantasy or Horror?
Fantasy - Hardback or Trade Paperback or Mass Market Paperback?
Mass Market... Trade Paperbacks get a little heavy and frequently mess up my very precise "tallest to shortest" sorting system when it comes to particular series'... and Hardbacks have that whole "dustjacket" problem. - Amazon or Brick and Mortar?
Bricks and Mortar... I love the browse... but if I'm looking for a particular hard to get thing, then I'll go Amazon. - Barnes & Noble or Borders?
Borders, since I've never experienced B&N. - Hitchhiker or Discworld?
100% Discworld baby! - Bookmark or Dogear?
Sorry... WHAT? You think I'm the kind of person who ruins a perfectly good book by mutilating the pages... BOOKMARK! BOOKMARK! BOOKMARK! And I have about fifty-hundred of the things... - Alphabetize by author, Alphabetize by title or random?
As mention before, I sort from shortest to tallest (or vice versa), but within that there's no particular order (other than keeping series together where I can), so I guess that would be Random - Keep, Throw Away, or Sell?
Keep... although the last time I did a massive, massive, massive clean up here I did end up selling as many as I could and then anything that couldn't be sold was given away. - Keep dustjacket or toss it?
You just want to ruin the books don't you! Keep the dustjacket... that's what it's there for... also, books with jackets tend to be kind of dull and boring once you've taken it off. - Read with dustjacket or remove it?
Usually I remove it, just because it tends to slide around a lot and bug me, especially when reading in bed. - Short story or novel?
Hmmmm... I'll say novel... - Sookie Stackhouse or Anita Blake?
I actually have no idea who Sookie is... and I'm more than a little familiar with La Femme Anita, so we'll go Anita Blake. - Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
Yes. I prefer to stop at a chapter break, and if I'm reasonably tired and get to a break then I will stop... but sometimes you just want to keep reading and when you realise that you've read the same sentence eighteen times, and the book keeps trying to fall out of your hands (highly inconsiderate of it), then it's time to put the bookmark in and call it a night. - Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket?
Definitely Potter... I enjoyed the few Snicket books I've read, but after a while they just felt like exactly the same story with only the location changed. - "It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once upon a time"?
I'm going to go with "dark and stormy", if only because it reminds me of Snoopy. - Buy or Borrow?
Buy... I did used to borrow a lot, but I haven't in forever... and it always ended up that if I DID borrow something and really enjoyed it, then I just had to own it anyway - Buying choice: Book Reviews, Recommendation or Browse?
Recommendation... whether it be randomly discovered on a blog, or somebody saying to me "oh, you should read this", that tends to be where my better reading experiences happen. - Collection (short stories by the same author) or Anthology (short stories by different authors)?
Hmmmm... you know, I'm honestly not sure... I like the collection thing because if you like the tone of one then you're generally going to like them all... but the flipside is also true with an anthology, you might hate the first story, but at least you know that they're not all going to be the same... I think I'm going to go with Collection. - Tidy ending or Cliffhanger?
Ending to what? The book? A chapter? Name me a book with a cliffhanger ending... but if we're talking chapter endings, then definitely "tidy"... since that way you can stop and put the book down in you need to. - Morning, Afternoon or Nighttime reading?
Yes. Seriously though, I would probably say Nighttime, since I do a fair amount of my reading in bed at night. - Series or stand alone?
Well seeing as I've just discovered a new series that I'm quite enjoying and I have, lets see... one, two, three and possibly four different series on my list of things to read, I think I'll have to go Series. - New or used?
I honestly don't have a preference... I'm just as likely to hit a second hand bookstore as I am to visit Borders... so long as I can find what I want, I don't care. - Favorite book that nobody else has heard of?
Does it count as a book that "nobody else has heard of" if I've mentioned it on my blog before? We'll pretend like it does count... so Caught Between Two Worlds by Scott Russell Hill.

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