After fourteen weeks, fifteen original housemates, six intruders, two removed housemates (who didn't show up on the finale show I'm happy to say) and their two replacements.... that's twenty three housemates in all, which, I'm sure has to be the most housemates ever in, if not any BB house, then it's certainly a record for Australia...
After two Insiders (can we not do that again next year thanks BB), a mother and daughter combo and a turkey slap.... after more controversy, nudity, relationships and lies... after 14 mentions here on my blog, 106 website quizzes and over 250 hours of television...
The winner is... Jamie...
Which, I have to say, I didn't expect... I was sure it was going to be Camilla... and it also means that in the last three years, I haven't picked the winner of BB once... it's always been the runner up I was rooting for.
I must admit I really didn't understand the way the final voting graph showed up tonight... there were more evicts than saves, but yet the total for both of them still showed as a save... so I didn't quite get that one... but the end total was Jamie on 53% and Camilla on 47%...
This feeling is so weird every year... I'm all elated but at the same time a little depressed... it's all over... no more... it's that Post BB Sad...
I did really enjoy the way they did the finale though... with bringing all the housemates back into the house and letting the final two get their "Oh God!" and "You look so good" comments out of the way...
And then leaving the two of them in the house right up until the end... obviously the BB Wish Faerie was listening to my post this morning... since we got to see Jamie go insane after being announced as the winner, and then left on his own in there to run around like a crazy person.
He's a sweet boy though, even if he won't pull his pants up to save his life... part of me just wishes he'd never gotten involved with Katie though.... he could probably do better... oops... did I say that out loud?
One thing that I thought would have been really cool as Jamie left the house would have been if they'd turned all the lights off, leaving just the Diary Room anteroom light (and the passage beyond) lit... but that's just me, and I'm always up for a bit of ham fisted symbolism...
At any rate, $426,000 should at least mean Jamie can buy some actual clothes, and maybe get a decent haircut...
Well done Donkey Shlong...
Current Mood:

I so understand what you mean, with the sad bit. I always feel sad when BB finishes. I guess when you're living alone, it's kind of comforting to turn the TV on every night and see the familiar faces of everyday people on screen. Now that the show is over again, I will miss the buzz that goes along with it. :(
Moi too. I miss BB. Mind you, the feeling I have towards a number of those contestants is not exactly brotherly. Jamie, Ashley, Darren, Dino ... not to mention Brokeback Dave ...
Anyhoo, I was actually walking down into North Sydney station the other afternoon after work, when I spotted it. It stopped me dead in my corporate-attired tracks.
He would have been in his early 20's. Old enough, I would think, to know better. Not only did he have his pants a good few inches down his arse (hmmm, actually, I could have given him a good few inches down his arse, but I digress ...) displaying ample designer undies, but he was also wearing one of those stupid Jamie-esque headbands.
Now I thought Jamie was a total sweetie, hottie and worthy winner - I really do. But his lack of belt (till him Mom left him one - lol) and especially those headbands, just begged me to wanna bitchslap him sooo hard.
Anyhoo, I had to do everything in my power to not just walk up to this Jamie-wannabe and exlaim. 'Dude! That look is so, like, not cool. Like, get a life!'
PS. I am not ashamed to say that I cried like a baby when Brokeback Dave was re-united with his boy Sherif.
See, you had me in your corner right up until you said "Dino"... urgh!
And yes, I know the desire to slap a Jamieclone upside the head... I even blogged about it way back at the beginning of BB when I was this tween boy with a Jamie headband... fortunately his mother's good sense prevailed on the level of his pants...
Well in my defence Yani, it was certainly not Dino's character that I was interested in. Unlike the other boys on my list, in that regard I though he was a bit of an arrogant arsehole actually [resisting temptation to say 'but oh, what a cute arsehole' ... oops, seemed I failed].
My flatmate TOA and I both agree he is very pretty. Did you see him in nothing butt [intentional pun alert] those white tights in the musical number on the final show? ... Hello!
So with that one its definately a case of 'don't speak sweetie .. you will ruin the moment'. M'kay?
Nah... I'm one of those people that if the personality is a turn off, so is the rest of him, no matter how pretty or not he may be... of course in Dino's case I was never attracted to him... give me Gaelen in tights over Dino any day...
What did amuse me is the poor boys just had to stand out there shirtless in those tights for the latter half an hour of the show...
So ya like a little Gaelean, huh?
Uh huh.
LOL... no, I just prefer him in tights to Dino...
My preferences probably went (in order)...
Chris, Darren, Jamie, Gaelen, David, Ash... then all the other boys as a one big non-event...
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