Dammit... we have rain that started just before 6:30am, when I usually go for my walk...
Double dammit... we still have rain... with the possibility of more rain...
I haven't been rained out of a walk in months! Actually, since around this time last year... funny that...
I'm thinking about going out and braving the rain shortly anyway, I just figured I would mess around online first to see if the rain actually let up.
I don't know if its the routine or the actual walking I'm addicted to, but I'm sitting here getting big fat withdrawal symptoms because I can't go out...
UPDATE: I lasted maybe fifteen minutes after I posted this... it was a case of either giving up on the walk completely and having breakfast or going out inspite of the rain... I got as far as putting Weetbix in a bowl and then changed my mind and went to put my sneakers on. I got wet obviously, but not as wet as I have been on previous occasions, and it was nice... I got to see the water positively shooting out of the weir at the bottom end of the track, and the pelicans laying in wait for little fishies (and a little fishie launching itself up out of the water to avoid getting eaten) by the stormwater pipe at the other.
Current Mood:

Don't they have umbrellas in Australia?
We would love to have some rain since we haven't had some for two months. I know it's nothing comparred to what you have to endure but still.
Yeah, but you look like a knob doing a serious "exercise" walk carrying an umbrella... and I know, because I saw somebody doing it this morning and she looked stoopid :P
YOU think it may look stupid, but in the mean time you break your habit to exercise.
Who cares what others think, if that walk is good for you, just do it! [Sounds like a Nike commercial!]
Yup, com'on Yaniboy... Rain, Hail, Shine...! :P
See, that's what happens when, I assume, you read from a feed rather than the site... you miss the fact that I updated the post to say I DID go on my walk anyway. :P
Nah, I don't normally read it, just look at the pictures :P
That explains a lot :P
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