
random questions meme

Stolen, as usual, from Tom...

  1. What's the meaning of life? Well, the answer might be 42, but nobody knows what the question is...

  2. You’ve climbed a really steep hill. What's the best way to get back down? Ummm... climb? Or failing that, slide down on a handy piece of cardboard.

  3. Ever sang karaoke? Were you sober? No, never sang karaoke...

  4. How many hats do you own? Just the one, the cowboyish hat I got at Christmas.

  5. Do you ever skip to the last chapter in a book just to get a sneak at what the ending is going to be? Never, ever, ever, ever, ever. In fact, a lot of the time if it's a book I know I want to read I don't even read the back blurb in case it tells me something I don't want to know.

  6. Have you ever washed your hair before washing your body in the shower? Every single day... Wash the hair, shave, condition the hair, brush the teeth, wash the body...

  7. Do you like beans? Baked ones, yes...

  8. On toast? Yes.

  9. You're walking somewhere, and your shoelace is undone. There's only a few hundred yards to go. Do you bother to stop in the street and tie your lace, or do you just try to hope no-one notices and that you don't trip, and make it last until you reach your destination? Depends on the street... if I'm heading home then I wouldn't bother stopping, since I would just be taking my shoes off when I got there anyway... but like if I was out shopping or something, then maybe.

  10. A huge demon-monster thing is about to vaporise your home, but being the reasonable type he says you can keep one room. Which room would you keep? Well, so long as he's reasonable enough to let me move the computer into the living room then I'd go with that.

  11. Would you like a Tunnock's teacake? A who-nock whatnow?

  12. Which song would you like played at your funeral? Closer by Nine Inch Nails... no, seriously, I have no idea.

  13. What's your favourite type of tree? Hmmm... you know, I don't think I've ever really thought about this before... I don't know that I actually have one...

  14. You're in the Big Brother house. How many weeks would you last before you're voted out? One... if I was lucky and they didn't do that whole "first night eviction" thing...

  15. What's 8 multiplied by 12? Ummm... I don't really do math in my head so good... although I know the answer is 96 because I read it in Tom's answers...

  16. How many times a day do you brush your hair? None... brushing is so 1986...

  17. Ever had sex behind a bike-shed? Bike shed... no...

  18. Name two characters from Scooby Doo, except for Scooby and Shaggy. I can probably name just about every other recurring character... Freddy, Velma, Daphne and Scrappy (although he came along later)...

  19. Fingernails - cut them or bite them? Cut... biting your nails is just gross.

  20. You're due to meet someone, but they're not there yet. What do you do? And don't say 'wait' because that's just boring. Pace back and forth getting annoyed because I hate it when people are late.

  21. What colour of underwear are you wearing? (ah damn it, just had to slip that in.) Ummm... I guess you would call them dark blue...

  22. Who's going to have Christmas Number 1? How should I know... it's only April!

  23. Do you pronounce the word tomato, 'tomato' or 'tomayto'? Tom-ar-toe...

  24. Have you ever left an obviously sarcastic picture comment on Myspace for someone you don't like, but they completely miss the point? Never left a comment on anything on MySpace period.

  25. If you were a ghost, who would you go and spook first? My upstairs neighbours and keep scaring them until they moved out... although by that point I'd be dead, so their constant noise probably wouldn't bother me anymore. In which case I'd go and find a men's changeroom to haunt...
Current Mood:


Tom said...

Think Arnott's Royales but much much nicer... biscuit bottom, layer of jam, white soft meriguey stuff, all covered in chocolate! You'd love them I'm sure!


Larry said...

Please please please promise me that if you die you will really have them play "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails :) I almost choked on my Mountain Dew when I read that!

yani said...

Tom: Yeah, they sound interesting... I would probably end up doing to them what I do to the Royales though, and peeling the mushy stuff off the base and eating it first :)

Larry: Hehehehe... If not that then I'll pick something equally inappropriate ;)