
unconscious mutterings 218

On this fine (and potentially quite warm, at least here anyway) Easter Monday morning, it's Unconscious Muttering time again...

  1. Freak :: Leash

  2. Open :: For Business

  3. Important :: Urgency

  4. Magnetism :: Attraction

  5. Lap :: Dancing

  6. Anything :: Nothing

  7. Match :: Flame

  8. Father :: Mother

  9. Idea :: Lightbulb

  10. Mirror :: Reflection

Current Mood:


Tom said...

I did some nerdy analysis... out of 80 we have 2.5 in common! :P

Larry said...

Freak: Supafreak
Open: Book
Important: Decision
Magnetism: Magneto
Lap: Cat with bowl of milk
Anything: and everything
Match: Point
Father: Figure
Idea: lightbulb as well :)
Mirror: universe

yani said...

Tom, I'm curious to know what the "half" was... and you think this might put an end to Sunshine's whole "you two should just get a room" disfunction? ;)

And Larry, you're such a geek... Magneto, Mirror Universe... hehehe... course I also know what you're talking about, so I guess that makes me a geek too... :)

Tom said...

Aha... full analysis in the comments on my blog!

And probably not, you know what he's like. When are we going to Brisbane to thump him? :P

yani said...

I'll check that out tomorrow...

And you know if we show up to thump him together it's just going to make him think he's right... ;)

j said...

yani and tom, haven't you heard that opposites attract? the more i see both of your exchanges, the more I agree with Sunshine suggestions. So go ahead, make my day and thump me...hehehe :p