That was pretty much last night.
I'm trying to think of the shortest possible version of this story that still makes sense, because we all know I have a tendency to waffle when the story mood takes me... so bear with me...
Over Easter I happened to have this rather nice hookup with this overly enthusiastic guy we'll call Clifford (as in Clifford the Big Red Dog, because he was all overly eager like a big puppy)... and we got all snuggly, which was awesome, because that is SO what I've been needing for the longest time, and if he hadn't had to work early the next morning then I would have gotten him to stay over.
But he couldn't, so he didn't (obviously)... but we did try and arrange for him to come and stay the night at my place the following Thursday... but he also happened to be moving house that day, so by the time he was over two hours late we decided to call it a night and try it some other time. Honestly, I should have known then that the Universe was screaming in my ear... but, you know, I have periodic Universal Deafness, so I didn't leave it alone...
So I messaged him earlier in the week and asked if he wanted to try it again on Thursday (ie last night)... but at his place, partially because my neighbours with the small children are driving me to distraction even more than normal, it being school holidays and all...
We agreed on a time, and I messaged him just before I was leaving to say that I was running a little ahead of time and that I would be there a little early... then he messages me back to tell me that he's actually not going to be there until quarter of an hour AFTER the time we'd originally agreed on, and could I get there a little later... and this is while I'm sitting in my car in the carpark, ready to drive over there.
But I went with it, killed half an hour or so reading my book, then took off.
Now he's a sweet guy... but he has two fatal flaws... firstly he keeps apologising for everything... even stuff he doesn't need to apologise for... and secondly he has a really shitty sense of appropriate timing... as in trying to have a conversation about random stuff in the middle of playtime... oh, and I guess there is a third thing which would be that he just won't SHUT UP!
Anyway, all those things were fine, I could cope with all that... what I couldn't cope with was my body's unerring inability to sleep away from home... seriously... lets say I've been sleeping the same way more or less since I was about 15... that would make it about 6570 continuous days of sleeping just the same way... which means that my body is very particular about what position it sleeps in, and doesn't like sleeping differently to that. I know, I'm a creature of habit, what can I say...
I mean I have managed to sleep with somebody else in my bed, but not always terribly well the first night... when BlueDragon was here it took me a couple of nights to get used to having him in the bed, but by the end of his visit I was fine.
Add into that the fact that my body is basically a big ol radiator... as soon as I have somebody else's body heat added to mine, I suddenly start pumping out heat like you would not believe... to even though it wasn't the warmest of nights last night, I still couldn't really spend any time under the covers with Clifford...
And for whatever reason, the really nice meshing we'd had at my place over Easter, all curled up together... well that just evaporated last night...
So let me sum up... I couldn't get into a comfortable position (and therefore my back started killing me), I couldn't snuggle, and I couldn't sleep... oh, and Clifford turned out to be a fairly light sleeper, so whenever I wriggled around trying to get comfortable it would half wake him up...
I stuck it out until around about 2am, and I decided that enough was enough... and I left... I did wake Clifford up enough to tell him what I was doing (and he apologised again), but I still left (and happened to discover that last night of all nights Monkey had decided to send me a random text message... J's ex Monkey... from England... what the?)...
Of course, once I got home it took me a little while to get sleepy again, but once I did I dropped right off to sleep, no worries. But I got up as normal around 6:30 for my walk... so I had maybe three and a half hours sleep, give or take...
So if I fall asleep in the middle of this afternoon, could somebody just nudge me so I don't get drool on the keyboard? Thanks!
Current Mood:

Perhaps you need a bigger bed? :P
I totally hear you on this one. I have a way of sleeping too and I don't like to share/ compromise when I'm tired.
On the subject of noisy neighbors though, there has to be someplace else to live in your area. When was the last time you looked?
A bigger bed and aircon! :P
I'm wondering if it would have been different if it had been here in my own bed, rather than in a strange bed in a strange house... but I honestly don't know... thinking about it earlier, I can only think of two incidents of sleeping over in somebody else's bed... and off the top of my head, only for incidents of somebody spending the night here... but even at the best of times I'm not someone who can fall asleep in strange places, cars, buses, whatever.
And Larry, it's all about the filthy lucre... especially since the rental market here right now is a seller's market and people are offering over and above the listed price of an apartment to get their hands on it... which is a game I'm so not prepared (or able) to play!
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