
imdb keyword meme answers

I didn't realise I was either so inscruitable... or else that I made this one too hard... but between you, you managed to get three movies and six teevee shows correct. Granted, looking at my own clues I'm not sure that I would have gotten some of them if the shoe had been on the other foot...

I'm also surprised nobody thought of "cheating" and actually hitting IMDB and working through the list that way (since it doesn't say anything in the rules about that not being allowed)... I tried it, just to see if it worked, and it turns out that the particular combinations I chose pretty much led back only to my choices...

For example, while the keyword Donkey gives you 95 choices, Donkey + Sequel gives you 5 (including the oft-guessed Shrek sequels)... but Donkey + Cameo Appearance + Sequel gives you the correct answer of Clerks II!

Actually, Donkey + Cameo Appearance leads straight there without all the other messy possibilities.

But on to the answers...

For the movies, we have...
  1. Photojournalist, Leg In Cast, Salesman = Rear Window
  2. Sister Sister Relationship, Bloopers During Credits, Poetry = 10 Things I Hate About You
  3. Lederhosen, Accountant, Gay Stereotype = The Producers
  4. Black Widow, Campy, Screwball = Clue
  5. Love Triangle, Sadism, Costume Drama = Dangerous Liaisons
  6. Surfer Dude, Spacecraft, Biological Weapon = Lilo & Stitch
  7. British Colonial, Jamaica, Swashbuckler = Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
  8. Juvenile Delinquent, Head Shaving, Generation X = Empire Records
  9. Gay Lead Character, Broken Heart, Secret Love = Brokeback Mountain
  10. Donkey, Cameo Appearance, Sequel = Clerks II
And for the teevee shows...
  1. Neo Noir, High School Student, Murder = Veronica Mars
  2. Multiple Sclerosis, Government Agent, Scandal = The West Wing
  3. Interracial Couple, Cheerleader, Japanese = Heroes
  4. Flashback Sequence, Cliffhanger, Drugs = Lost
  5. Cult, Supernatural, Returning Character Killed Off = Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  6. Bleeped Dialogue, Explosion, Crash Test Dummy = MythBusters
  7. Arrogance, New Jersey, Famous Opening Theme = House
  8. Wish Fulfillment, Goldfish, Babysitter = The Fairly OddParents
  9. Science, Police, Murder Investigation = CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
  10. Character Name In Title, Non Fiction, Horror = The Oprah Winfrey Show
I'm still not completely sure how they got "horror" as one of the keywords for Oprah, but it's there, honestly!

Current Mood:


Tom said...

I thought of cheating, just didn't :P

Anonymous said...

Oprah: Must have been the 'horror' of missing an episode.

Larry said...

Now way dude--horror is Oprah without makeup :)

I have only seen five of the listed items. I feel like I'm living under a rock...