Maybe it's not really the SHW... maybe it's just Pre-Christmas Panic... since there are now only two weeks until the big day...
Anyway, the Monday Montage is the Christmas decorations in Rundle Mall which I grabbed during Haircut Day on Saturday... although because the whole "bus" plan fell through I didn't take as many shots as I probably would have otherwise... hence the whole 4x4 montage rather than the currently standard 5x5...
Actually, now that I think about it, there are probably about a dozen reasons for possible SHW this morning...
One of which was the fact that my present from J arrived on Friday... a 300GB external hard drive (woohoo)... courtesy of his brother (who's very J-like appearance on my doorstep did throw me for a loop for a second)... and given the weather over the last few days, Sunday was the first time that I really could be bothered playing with it... so I spent large chunks of the day moving files and basically sorting the INORDINATELY large amount of porn I'd previously had to burn off onto CD because I was running out of disk space... I did discover one thing... today's porn is tomorrow's recycling... the sorting goes something like this... delete, delete, delete, delete, keep, delete, think about then delete, keep, delete, delete and so on... I managed to find a spot for it next to the books on my bedside cabinet (after I'd moved two of them) so now I just have to get used to plugging it in in the morning and unplugging it at night...
And because it has been so hot my house always ends up looking a little bit like a dump... there's a stack of towels on the bathroom floor I need to sort out, and random mess on the kitchen counter that needs tidying up... just so I feel "sorted", you know...
Added to that is the fact that I need to organise to see Stu sometime this week to pick up the calendars (provided he's printed them, which he promised me he would do)... then organise to get them bound appropriately... and also possibly sweet talk him into burning a couple of DVD's for me (well, for Ma actually)... and I also will probably have to go down to J's parent's place to drop off the silly pointless part of his present that I actually have before the family heads off for London on Friday to spend Christmas over there.
I can't even whinge about my street's Christmas party which was held last night... because of the weather (although, given the way the clouds looked at lunch time, I was kind of praying that it would be rained out) I had both of my fans going, and I didn't really hear anything much of them at all, which was good... and they were all finished by around 10pm or so too. I did notice though, at one point when I was having a nosy out the window at the crowd that it was a very "white" Christmas party... which, given what I would imagine is the overall ethnic make up of my street, I found very surprising.
"Shopping Adventures with Ma and Me" was a fairly low-key affair this week... we started off in the city, then went out to Tea Tree Plaza, which is somewhere we haven't been for ages (mostly because it's almost an exact cookie cutter duplicate of Marion, since they're both owned by the same company), and owing mostly to our planned attack of Marion a couple of weeks back, we only did one lap of the place, got everything we needed and were out of there pretty quickly. Which was good... because we then had to go back into town so that Ma could get something from the Myer in the city that the Myer at TTP didn't have *rolls eyes*. What was interesting though was that while I got a little annoyed with the crowds from time to time (pre Christmas crowds... my kingdom for a golf club... FORE!) I was seemingly much calmer in general than on a usual day of shopping. Not sure what that was about... except maybe that it was just too hot to be cranky...
Anyhow, I think that's about it... especially since I can hear housework attempting to call my name seductively...
Current Mood:

Sounds like you've got PCS - Pre Christmas Stress... *duck* :P
Or PMT - Part Montage Tension - we noticed you'd ripped us off by 9 photos! LOL!
You've already opened a Christmas present... very naughty... tut tut! But 300GB of Porn - Crikey...!
Actually it's currently 13.3GB of assorted images (ie not all porn) and Photoshop files :P
I opened it because he told me to open it so that he could be sure it worked properly, otherwise I would have put it away til Xmas.
And I'm so slapping the pair of you for the additional acronyms... I know I started it, but still... :P
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