I mentioned last week that I went hunting for new and unusual memes... and it's kind of scary the number of things you can find when you put "blog meme" into Google... lots of references to the "book tease" meme though...
Anyway, I found this over on Logtar's Blog and it jumped out at me as not only a good meme, but also a good "Exposing Myself" style post... even though lots of you have already seen my handwriting...
Go ahead and get a piece of paper, then write the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog." Sign it with your first name or your handle (not your signature) and take a picture. Then post this and your picture on your blog! It is that simple...

Oh, and I haven't bothered dotting my i's for, ooooh, years and years and years and years (I actually don't know how long I've been doing that)... I do cross my t's though... otherwise I'd just have l's... straight legs on my y's... and usually big scary loops on my little f's, although that one is kinda tame...
And if I hadn't been going for clarity in the photo, it probably would have been in pencil, since I write almost everything (with the possible exception of birthday cards and mailing addresses) in pencil.
Current Mood:

I also love writing in pencil, it feels a lot more natural for whatever reason. Thanks for doing the meme, there is also a pretty big flickr group. Hope you had fun.
Flickr always takes about 150 years to load up on my system, so I've never really bothered with it... which is probably a good thing, otherwise it would be one more place online I was spending too much time... :P
Stolen! :P
You have the same writing as my cousin. It's almost creepy.
You and I have the cursive thing in common. Why would people want to write like that? We all know that its going to be made obsolete by computers anyway...
I want to know more about this "Quick brown fox". Why is it jumping over the lazy dog?
Just for interest's sake, try writing it with your other hand.
I tried that right after I read your message OB... it looks like it was written by a slightly slow six year old... okay, maybe just a regular six year old...
I tried it too ... looked like I was having an epileptic fit at the time.
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