
wildlife photography adventures

shell wildlife photographersIt's kind of tragic, but since Ma and I started doing all this "art and culture" stuff since our little trip to the Museum at the end of January we keep collecting various things out of the paper or whatever about other things we could go and see... and it's just been sitting on the top shelf of one of my bookcases, kinda in a big heap, collecting dust.

So last night I got all uber organised on it's little paper ass... I cut all the relevant bits out so there wasn't as much paper, and filed them in separate plastic sleeves under "Things to do soon", "Things to do later" and "Places to eat"...

I know... too much time on my hands and tragic to boot...

But it was good, because I found things in there I'd forgotten about, specifically a blurb about the Shell Wildlife Photographer of the Year and ANZANG Nature and Landscape Photographer of the Year exhibitions, the latter which ends next weekend. So after our Regular Shopping Adventures (during which I got some new canvases, Ma finally found a new handbag that she liked, thank god, because she's been looking for what seems like forever), and a quick side trip to Myer for the rest of the books in the Cherub series (which we somehow got at even more of a discount than what was advertised... yaaay), it was good that we managed to get along while they were still together.

The Shell exhibition was phenomenal... one of those things were, as a photographer, you look at it and go "Okay, that's it... I'm hanging up my camera... I give up." Even more so when you start looking at the under 18 entries... granted these are probably the children of professional photographers, and the cameras they're using are pretty damn pricey... but still...

The web versions of the shots are, understandably, not the best quality-wise, but up close in the flesh... just stunning!

It would have been nice to get the book of all the entries, but it was around $70... so Ma and I settled for a couple of postcards from the Museum Shop instead.

The ANZANG (Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica and New Guinea) exhibition was a little less impressive... I don't know why... maybe because a lot of the subject matter was much less exotic, or what, I don't know.

This year is definitely our year for doing all "art and culture" stuff... maybe because it's mostly free... I dunno... but I'm enjoying it, and it gets me out of the house.

Current Mood:


Tom said...

Your blog should be listed by the SA tourist board!

yani said...

Think I should email them and ask for a link exchange? :P