Since it was So Damn Hot™ today, we decided that after Random Shopping Adventures we would head into town and finish up our tour of the Art Gallery that we started back on Australia Day.
It was a good choice actually... although, to be honest, I think I possible enjoyed the bit of the gallery we looked at the first time around more than the rest of the stuff... which is interesting, since all the stuff we looked at the first time was Australian art, and I'm not usually a big fan of that stuff.
When we hit the Asian Art section downstairs, there were fewer security guards around, so, even though you're not supposed to be taking photos in the gallery, I whipped out my phone and took one or two shots, only a couple of which turned out to actually be in focus. But the Amida Buddha was one of them.
We also swung past the Bookshop, where they have a whole bunch of the paintings as postcards and cards (which, I imagine, is at least part of the "no photography" rule... they can't sell it to you if you've already done it yourself), and Ma got about four of her favourite pieces as postcards, while I managed to find two, Landscape at Pentecost, and, oddly enough for me, Virgin and Child. Normally I'm not all about religious art either, but there was just something about that one.
I still wish I had either been able to find a shot of one of my favourite paintings or the sculpture that I really like, but I can't even find either of them online (I really need to take particular note of the names of the artists next time).
We also stopped off at the cafe in the Art Gallery for a little nibble and a sit down... and while their lemon tart was just to die for and the iced coffee was nice and strong, the service was just shitty... I know you think you're all interesting because you work in a cafe in the Art Gallery, but good service costs nothing...
But all in all it was quite a nice day, and it kept us out of my stinking hot apartment for a few hours.
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