
photo friday: lil geisha

lil geisha 2007I got a little over enthusiastic with this shot I think...

Last weekend Ma and I went to Freedom (and then Ikea, which still scares me a little bit, but we finally tasted the meatballs, and they're actually quite nice) and found these cute little geisha dolls... awwwww.... too cute...

Originally I was just going to photograph the doll on its own... then I remembered I had the fan and was going to use it as a backdrop... then I grabbed a red teeshirt out of the wardrobe to use as a backing...

Of course, I realised after I'd finished playing around that I should have been shooting them on a totally different setting on my camera, since most of them ended up coming out blurry for one reason or another... ah well... I still like the was this one worked...

And for the record... still awake... granted by the time Veronica Mars rolls around at 11:30 tonight it could be a different matter!

Current Mood:


Larry said...

Oh sure, she looks cute, but you should see what she can do with that giant (and oddly threatening) fan when she's angry!

yani said...

If she had any hands I'm sure she'd slap you for that comment :P