I feel so much better now...
Yes, yes... I know... I should have done it several days ago... but it's done now and at least it's a weight off my mind...
I basically told him that I needed to get some things off my chest and that it wasn't anything bad and I wasn't going to run away at the end of it or anything, it was just stuff I needed to say...
And then I think I babbled at him for about five minutes solid... and he assured me afterwards that he was sure that I'd had too much caffeine and/or sugar... which I didn't, honest, just the regular amount... I just tend to babble on the phone with him... mostly because he's ultra-laid-back-dude... and sits back and lets me...
Anyway... thanks for the advice Tom... I guess I already knew it, I just needed someone else to say it to me...
Current Mood:

So what did Bear say? Tell us the juicy details... :p
Honestly, not a whole hell of a lot... he just listened... which was what I wanted him to do. I didn't need him to say anything, just to hear me.
Glad it went OK :)
What did he do when he was done? He hung up the phone, of course.
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