J's gone... he's winging his way to Melbourne as we speak, then it's off to London... Destination Monkey...
It's weird, at the airport I wasn't really thinking about the fact that he was leaving... but then on the ride home it hit me... he's gone again... I'm not exactly sure what my mood is... it's kind of half upset and half not... so I'm hovering somewhere in the middle with this weird half-mood... strange...
The other strange thing was that tonight was almost an exact replica of him leaving the first time... there was just the addition of his galpal Sally this time... and the fact that it's in a brand new airport... but we went into the same craptastic souvenir shop in the airport, and the same (I assume) cafe... at least this time he didn't spill stuff on himself (last time he managed to spill a cup of coffee all over his jeans... not good when you're about to spend all that time sitting in an airplane).

Before he left last year, I was sitting and thinking what I could get him to take away with him to remind him of me... and then I had one of those thunderbolt moments... and realised it wasn't something I could buy, but something I would have to give him... something that was already mine... and this crystal pendant sprung to mind. I hadn't worn it in a while, but I used to wear it a lot, so it was pretty much imprinted with me... and before giving it to him at the airport I sat at the computer for at least an hour and a half and wrapped it around my hand (just like in the photo... and yes, for the record, that is my overly lined hand in the shot), getting as much extra "me" vibe/energy/whatever on it as possible.
And when I gave it to him, I told him that he couldn't take it off until he reached his final destination at the other end. I'm not even sure why... it was just one of those things that had to be said... maybe just so "I" could keep him safe all the way there...
He did tell me that it seemed to heat up during his journey... so obviously the "me" on it was working...
When he told me he was coming back, I told him to wear the pendant... again, I'm not sure why I said it... but he obviously did... and he was wearing it again tonight. I hadn't actually thought about it until he took his jacket off to be honest, then my brain just went "pendant"... possibly because his teeshirt was very much a similar colour.
Anyway, I made him take it off so I could "recharge" it again while we were in the cafe, then gave it back to him.
J's sister and I were both being digital camera bunnies the whole time... taking shots of anything and everything... I at least had a purpose to the shots... I was planning on making a montage... we'll see how that works though since a lot of the shots were blurry due to the low light.
He's gone again...
I think I miss him already...
Current Mood:

If I haven't read your other posts, I would've thought J was your boyfriend. Just a thought. :)
I love charging things with my energy before I give them to people. Strange, when you consider who unspiritual I am. I guess it has to do with being a fan of Langshot, a comic book character. He was in the X-men for a while. His real power was luck, but he also had the ability to "read" objects and tell where they'd been.
Of course most of the time people just lug off my stuff and then I forget they have it...
Sunshine: :P :P :P He's my bestest, bestest friend... so bite me :P And trust me... there are no lustful feelings there... at all...
Larry: I have to say, this is the first time I've done that in a while... And do you know how hard it is to look up an X-Man when his name isn't spelt correctly... ;P
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