Sometimes there are
good days to go to the sauna... sometimes there are very, very bad days to go to the sauna (which usually don't end up getting blogged about)... fortunately last night was very much one of the former...
I also figured that since it was
Earth Hour last night, that shutting down all my electronic equipment (well, turning it off anyway) and leaving all my lights off while I was out was a good plan too... go and use somebody else's electricity, where the lights are only really on in selected areas anyway, and who would be using the power anyway... yeah, I know... it really didn't have a damn thing to do with my decision, but since I was going out anyway and since I wasn't sure I could be bothered with the whole Earth Hour thing, I figured I just wouldn't put any lights on...
But anyway, back to the fun stuff...
When I got to the sauna, there was a sign I only half read on the inner door saying something about the steam room being closed... and because I didn't read it properly, and then, when I went down towards the steam room and saw one of the guys shooing everybody out, turning on the lights and (I think) scrubbing it all down, I wasn't overly optimistic... partly because I've never seen them actually do that before... at least not while people are there anyway... yeah, they do a clean up circuit looking for condoms and wrappers or whatever, but not the whole scrubbing thing.
And of course, I also had a momentary freak out because one of the people that was being shooed out of the steam room was
Marc (last seen at Marion in February
waving at me like a crazy person)... well, obviously it did have to happen at some point... but the combination of factors just made me turn on my heels and walk back the other way.
It did turn out that the steam room was going to be closed from, I think, 9pm on Sunday until Tuesday... which was good, because it did factor quite often and quite happily in the rest of the evening.
Just before I continue on with the fun stuff... I need to mention something... there was a guy there last night... probably late twenties, perhaps early thirties, pretty good body, seemingly had everything in the right places, but he was acting so strangely and so "weaselly" that it was actually had not to laugh at him. For a starters he was wearing a bandanna and some sort of sandals, added to the fact he never took his towel off... okay, the towel thing isn't that rare, and maybe he had him some toe fungus so the sandals were a good idea, but honestly, between those and the bandanna he was just an instantly recognisable shape no matter where he went... as was the fact that he kept partially covering his face as he was running around. Maybe he was a straight guy in massive amounts of denial (although if so I'm not sure what the hell he was worried about, everybody in there is there for the same reasons, so it's not like anybody is going to out him... I wouldn't think anyway)... but again, all the peeking and the face hiding and whatever else he was doing was just drawing attention to himself. He also did a lot of crouching and sitting in weird weaselly positions, legs tucked up under him, usually near anybody who was getting busy in the steam room, and then suddenly he would be up and gone out the door...
I actually first ran into him in the antechamber (I love that word) for the dry steam room... I'd taken up a spot while the wet steam room was out of commission, he sat down and seemed to be doing the "across the room genital semaphore signals" that show that you're good for approach... legs up on the bench next to him, spread open, hand all busylike... so approach I did... and... nothing...
Weird, weird, weird little man...
Eventually the steam room was opened up again, so I wandered in there and kinda sat watching a show that, I think, was already in progress... or else started not long after I'd sat down. For the record (and I think I've probably said it before), darkness plus steamy room plus me not having my glasses on usually leads to not only me not being able to see very far very clearly, but sometimes me either thinking somebody is somebody else, or whatever...
So I'm watching the guy at the centre of what seems to be a three ring circus where he's the main event, and I thought... "Hmmmm, he looks a little bit like
Puggle! But if that is Puggle, then Puggle is way more of a slut, in a good way of course, than I would have ever thought!"...
And after watching for a while, I moved position, got closer to where I could actually see the Possible Puggle in action... turns out that yes indeed, it WAS Puggle...
Puggle was a guy I knew through a friend of a friend years and years and years and years and years ago (when I first came out)... Puggle always seemed to be this shy, quiet, skinny little guy, who was incredibly cute, but seemed a little reserved.
Oh how the years have changed you Puggle!
He's still skinny and little (about 5'9" I think... and pretty much the physical type that makes me fall to my knees and weep... skinny but toned, and tiny enough to throw around like a rag doll if I so chose)... but he wasn't the shy guy I remember.
He did seem to be very "open" about his choice in partners... so when one of the guys moved away and was no longer "manning his post" to coin a phrase, I figured I would move in and see what happened. The worse I was going to get was pushed away, but if I hadn't tried I would have wondered for the rest of the night.
Thank all the little gods and goddesses that I did... P. L. A. Y. T. I. M. E! I'll say this for Puggle... not only does he have an impressive and beautiful "post", but damn the boy can kiss. I even ended up with him on my lap at one point (while the other end of him was occupied), and could pretty much wrap my arms totally around his waist, and almost touch my own chest again... *sigh*...
I really should have asked him to go upstairs with me (well, I did, but I didn't phrase it the right way)... but even though I had to "share" him, it was completely worth the price of admission...
Seriously, if that had been all that happened last night, I would have been reasonably okay with it... okay maybe a little frustrated by the end of the night, but still...
I saw him dive into the pool later, and swim around... he even looked incredibly sexy doing that... he just stepped off the side of the pool into the deep water and disappeared beneath the surface, then he was swimming underwater and I happened to catch a brief glimpse of when he tiny, perfect little butt broke the surface before he disappeared down again... yum!
And yes, I know that all of you who followed the seemingly neverending disaster that was my previous interactions with Marc are going "Yes, that's lovely... but what the hell happened with MARC!"...
This is what happened...
I'd just done a circuit upstairs (I think) and was headed downstairs (or vice versa, it doesn't really matter)... and who should be coming up the stairs, but Marc... no way to avoid or run or hide... I was trapped like Bambi on the Interstate...
Which was actually fine... we said hello and ended up going downstairs to find somewhere to have a little chat... we ended up propping up the pool table for a while (well, okay, I was... mostly because I'd not long finished with Puggle and I had a serious case of "Jelly Legs"), then we ended up moving to the big teevee room and took up far too much space and had a good long natter.
Turns out (according to what he tells me anyway) that he wasn't sure what I wanted when last we parted... so he didn't contact me, and then he thought about, saw me online a few times, but never did anything about it... which was pretty much what
I'd eventually done... figured if he was interested, he'd contact me... so we'd both thought ourselves into a corner and nobody did anything about anything... ahhhh, men, gotta love them...
Add to the fact that he got my name wrong... silly rabbit... although interestingly, what he ended up calling me is actually
Ludo's real name... and I wasn't overly insulted.
While we were chatting, this reasonably young (20-21, something like that), really skinny, really tall, REALLY hung (like scary, half way down his leg soft... kinda like a babies arm holding an apple kind of hung... and it was very obvious because he basically took off his towel and was showing everybody in the room that he was pretty much a tripod), fairly cute in a "dumb as a box of rubber puppies" kind of way (my usual like is "dumb as a box of rubber hammers", but while we were out shopping yesterday it became "dumb as a box of puppies" for some reason... then last night it morphed into "dumb as a box of rubber puppies") guy came into the room... and I will admit, because he was flashing the room his giant lunchbox, I turned my complete attention on him (and he was actually slightly behind me on the left) until he finally sat down... and Marc whispered something to be about "go for it"... to which I made that "yeah, in a pink fit" face at him (as a brief side note, Marc just finds me hysterically funny... and half the time it's not even like I'm trying), and he pointed out that Rubber Puppy didn't seem to be overly discriminating with his choices of "dates" throughout the evening, and I should go for it anyway.
And given the events of the evening thus far, I figured that if it was ever possible, it was possible then and there...
But I never seemed to be in the right place at the right time with him... and the more I watched him, the more I realised that he was going for a very particular type... the Big Hairy Daddy... now, I may be a lot of things, but Hairy Daddy, I am not... firstly, not hairy... secondly, waaaaaay too young to be anybody's Daddy (yet... *grin*)...
It was interesting to watch him wandering around though... at one point he was "holding court" (although I'm not sure that he knew that's what he was doing, or was even doing it intentionally) with five or six Daddies in the teevee room with the pool table...
What I didn't realise until this morning was that Rubber Puppy was actually
Young & Pretty from a while back... which makes more sense now...
Anyway, putting aside the things I couldn't have... Marc and I chatted for a bit longer, then he went for a wander (I hung around checking out Rubber Puppy until it seemed like a lost cause, then went on my own wander, complete with interesting but not overly noteworthy pitstops), we ran into each other a couple of other times and I made a point of telling him I was going to drag him off into a dark corner at some stage, which he rather coltishly avoided making either a confirmation or a refusal of... then I went back into the steam room at some later stage (again... dark, steam, blind), looked at the three guys all arranged on the long section of the bench, thought the one at the far end looked fairly hot... shortly after which, he moved... and yes, you got it... Marc.... *grin*.
He had his hand full (well, as it turned out... not FULL... but occupied) and I just sat there watching him for a while... it was a good view, it was nice to watch him "work", I didn't feel any twinges of "why isn't that me" or "I want that"... but I did figure that he probably wasn't going to chase me away if I joined in... so I did. I don't know what the other party thought about it... but he didn't push me away either (actually he didn't seem to have much of any expression on his face the whole time), so I hung around for a bit... then took my leave at what seemed to be the appropriate moment.
Marc had actually mentioned, when I said about the dark corner, something about me being "rough"... to which I replied that I could be very, very, very gentle (this from the guy who started off the post-orgasm wrestling match when he was here)... and made sure that I was as gentle as possible with him, to prove my point if nothing else.
Anyway, we ran into each other again shortly after (which is interesting, because you can actually go for hours and hours without bumping into people in that place... but there we were bumping into each other every half an hour or so)... and were again trying to find somewhere to have a little chat... so I suggested the spa, we'd both be naked, close physical contact (if I had anything to say about it), some degree of privacy... we ended up being in there for at least three bubble cycles... I'm not sure how long the cycles last... you press a button, the spa goes all spa-ey, eventually it stops, you press the button again, it restarts... we were in there for three, nearly four cycles... so I'd say somewhere between forty minutes and an hour...
First we chatted, then we wrestled a bit and messed about, then I carried him over to the opposite side of the spa and started on the kissing... and HOLY DAMN the boy can kiss... if I was going to add to the
list of memorable kisses... this whole session would be up there... okay, maybe it wasn't "memorable" in the same way... but damn it was good.
The only downside was that I was pretty much on my knees the whole time, and once the frottage started, well, it was occasionally less comfortable from a knee perspective (and, I'll be honest, when you're rubbing certain body parts between flesh and a molded plastic seat section of a spa, you just have to be glad that there is water involved, otherwise it could have been painful).
It was enjoyable though... very, VERY enjoyable in fact... and it wasn't even like we jumped right out after that... we just sat around some more... I rediscovered (or just discovered, although I don't actually remember being aware of it before) that he has a major thing about the nape of his neck being licked and sucked (not bitten though, that's my thing), although whether that's actually a sexual thing or more of a "I really need a massage, but I don't know it" thing, I'm not sure.
After a bit more floating around and making more comments on Rubber Puppy and his body language as he tried to pick up another Old Daddy (not so hairy this time, just old)... and the fact that Marc hasn't ever watched the body language of people around the sauna (which just boggles my mind, because the place is RIFE with body language... good, bad and indifferent... and I would have thought that he would totally be the kind of person who would pay attention to that stuff)... he finally declared that the spa was now officially "too cold" for him and went off to warm up. I stayed put for a little bit longer until the bubble cycle finished, then hopped out, put the cycle back on for the guy who was still in there, and went on a wander of my own.
I just couldn't get interested in anything or anybody though... Rubber Puppy was a lost cause... there was a very "scene" gayboy (blonde streaks, cute little body, just the kind of boy you'd expect to see waving his arms over his head at a gay nightclub) wandering around, but he was kind of keeping to the fringes of things... and so I just ended up sitting in the little alcove upstairs watching the exact same piece of porno footage with one of the Bel Ami boys humping the pole leading into the swimming pool that I ended up watching
the second time I saw Marc...
And of course, just after the scene changed he wandered past... and I told him I was probably going to scram shortly thereafter since I was kinda over it, and it wasn't far off midnight either. He made promises to call me (since, unlike me, he never deleted my number from his phone), so we'll see what, if anything, happens there...
I stayed put for a while, caught the eye of a cutish guy with a not overly dissimilar build from my own briefly, thought about following him... kind of wandered downstairs, saw he was in the spa, couldn't really face another round in the spa, so just wandered around a bit downstairs, then ended up back in there again with him. I wasn't completely sure to be honest... a little bit like me, his face didn't really reflect his body shape that much (ala thin boys with fat heads, fat boys with skinny faces, etc), and I wasn't sure it was him... we played the "look, catch your eye, look away, half smile, look, catch your eye..." game for a bit... and I took it up a notch to the "watch you until you look at me" game... to which I got a smile, and then a headshake... I wasn't sure about it at first... then he did it again, so I figured that a) it wasn't the guy I thought it was, and b) he was all about the mixed signals. So I did what any self respecting mental patient would have done, and poked my tongue out at him, then proceeded to pretty much ignore him the rest of the time I was in there.
But of course the Universe was playing games with me, and when I eventually hopped out, I picked up his towel instead of mine (they'd both originally been hanging on the hooks, but mine fell down, and his didn't), and when I realised it was red, not black, I went back and apologised to him and took my own towel... to which I got this strange headbob/nod/smile combo thing that was just odd. A little bit "stuck up bitch snob" really... but at the same time not... weird. That was his general vibe all over really... a little bit stuck up bitch, a little bit not...
Anyway, that was the point when I decided to call it a night... so I got changed, went to dump my towel (although, right now, while I'm thinking about it, I don't actually remember dumping my towel, just returning my key... so maybe I didn't), and who should be standing there, getting a new towel and showing off a long, lean, naked length of thigh and a glimpse of donkeycock as he rewrapped himself... yep... Rubber Puppy... so that was the very last thing I saw before I left...
We'll also have to see how the rest of today pans out... in theory I may have a "date" tonight... and the guy just happens to have a spa out on the balcony of his city apartment... so this could end up being one of those "slutty" weekends... that is if he doesn't turn out to be a complete and total timewasting flake...
I'll keep you posted...
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