
montage monday: architectural

architectural 2006I've kinda had enough for the moment of the flowers and the animals and whatnot for Monday Montage... so today I went back to random architectural detail... and this is the first Montage that actually takes in my entire walk... I'd done the original-ish section, then the extra section, but never both together... so ta-da... here we are...

I grabbed all these shots this morning... fortunately the universe was smiling on me and it was a perfect, cloudless, sunny, blue sky kind of day.

It's also a public holiday again, Labour Day actually... but only here in South Australia, and in the ACT and in NSW... for whatever reason it's not consistent around the country, which seems a little odd... but that's not really the point... the point is that because it's a public holiday the streets were pretty much deserted this morning, which is always nice. Except, for some reason, that there seemed to be an army of cats out and about... particularly on a couple of streets, but I must have seen four or five random cats on one street alone. Obviously they're planning and plotting against the humans and will rise up to overthrow us... okay, maybe not... it just seemed weird.

Saturday was mostly running around, with a little shopping thrown in... and because I'd made myself a compilation CD on Friday from all my CD singles, we took my car instead of Ma's (I have a CD player, she doesn't)... plus, after the whole battery fiasco, I wanted to give my car a decent run. First it was off to the supermarket at the crack of sparrow's fart (ie 8am), then after a quick stop off at home to unpack, back to Dyne to pick up my quilt, on to Marion so that Ma could pick up a couple of things and we could wander about aimlessly for a little bit, then another quick stop off at a former model's house to drop off some images taken of him by the Camera Club the year before last (but not by me... these were random images that the model co-ordinator at the club gave me to give him)... before our final stop at Harbour Town where we found a few bargains, namely underwear (for me), shoes (for both of us) and perfume (for Ma) amongst other random things....

Basically it was a lot of running around for not that much reward... especially since the couple of things that were for me went straight into that seemingly bottomless abyss known as "For Christmas"... I did manage to hang onto one of the pairs of Calvins though... and my quilt... not that I know what I'm going to do with the refilled one, since the new one is still working out really well... the refilled one is back in it's box and I'll just have to worry about it later.

While we were in getting Ma's perfume there was a woman in the store who very much reminded me of Sheba (in fact I had to keep looking to make sure it WASN'T her)... that's twice in a week... the Universe is obviously screwing with me again... either that or it's trying to tell me that she's due to come back into my life... neither scenario is particularly thrilling I have to say...

Ma has decided that she wants to make herself (and one of the girls at work) a seahorse calendar for next year, since she and the work girly both share a passion for seahorses, and you just can't get calendars with only seahorses on them (okay, you probably could, but we haven't seen them)... and she showed me what she'd done in a Word document on Saturday... *arches eyebrow*... what's the point of having a pseudo graphic designer in the family if you don't make use of him... plus, I haven't done a big graphic project in a while, and I removed myself this year as the principle designer of the fanart calendar I'd worked on for the last couple of years... so I was kind of in the mood for something. Thus, Saturday night was spent trawling through Google and Yahoo amassing about 60 images of seahorses that I could add into a 1024x768 calendar... how that will translate to being printed, I don't know, but we'll see what I end up making. As with all graphics projects that I get absorbed into, even the ones that aren't for me, I quite easily spent four or so hours on it without realising it.

I did take a break for an hour to watch the second to last episode of the second season of Doctor Who... I hate a show that makes you cry even before the opening credits... and now I have to wait until next week for the second half of the episode... *sulk*

Sunday I did a grand total of nothing... seriously... no cleaning, no sorting, no reorganising... nothing... I half-watched North by Northwest on teevee and pottered about a bit... but that was it.

Current Mood: it's been a good day so far... even if it is still early

1 comment:

Sunshine said...

I wish we have Labor Day at the same time as you. Most of our public holidays are in the first 6 months of the year, which makes the last 6 months a drag to live thru until Christmas.