Anyway, I decided that rather than just making the phone call to the RAA this morning, I would make all the phonecalls I've been intending to make for however long at the same time and get them all out of the way...
Got all my papers spread out... disconnected the computer from the net... grabbed the cordless phone... and the phone battery was dead... Grrrr... the Universe was messing with me, seeing if I would give up at the first hurdle or not...
But I didn't... okay, I nearly did for a second, but I just grabbed my mobile instead...
I called...
- the RAA about my car battery...
- Cash Converters to find out how much ID I would need to sell them something (my non porno videos)
- my current agency girly and left a message (she may be avoiding me, she still hasn't called me back)
- my previous agency and left a message for someone to call me
- two of my three Superannuation providers to get the paperwork to roll it all over into one provider (it's in the mail)
- then a girly from my previous agency called me back and I told her to put me back on the "available" list (why was I ever off it?)
They started the car for me, and told me that the battery wasn't cactus, but it just needed charging and gave me a list of "RAA Approved" places that would do it... so rather than turning the car off, waiting until tomorrow and discovering that it wouldn't start again, I called the place in town, asked how long it would take and what it would cost... since he said it would take the better part of a day, I kind of ummed and ahhed, told him I would think about it, and then like three minutes later called him back to tell him I was bringing the car in. Drove in, dropped the car off with the very cute boy I'd spoken to on the phone (a little woggy, but a tiny pocket person, and sweet), then grabbed some lunch at the Central Market and headed home...
The only other thing I really need to do to check off all the phone calls I should make is calling somewhere about my old BMW which is slowly disintergrating in the car park... in fact, I discovered on Sunday that somebody had broken both tail lights... but getting someone to come and take it away will cost money (although old BMW parts are worth real cash money, so I might break even), so we might just put that on the back burner for now...
I did have a brief heart attack moment while I was tramping through the city to the bus stop though... I'd been wandering along thinking that given the state of the Universe, I would probably run into somebody I knew, being in the middle of town and all... and coming down King William Street, I looked up and very nearly stopped dead... former second-best girly friend (Lownee being first-best girly friend), Sheba...
Or at least someone who looked like it could have been Sheba... over dyed red hair sticking up like a vaguely goth parrot, too much black eyeliner (although really... is there such a thing), dressed head to toe in black and standing outside having a cancer stick... it SO could have been her... it even looked like her... maybe a little thinner than the last time I saw her, but it still looked a lot like her.
But I wasn't sure... my brain just froze though, at the thought it could have been her... completely... like I said, I nearly stopped walking, and I think if she'd turned towards me instead of away from me as she butted out her ciggy and went back inside I might have frozen... but she didn't... and if it was her, she either didn't see me or else saw me and chose to ignore me...
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