
walk to work day

walk to work day 2006I wish I'd remembered earlier in the week that Walk to Work Day was coming up... like Tuesday maybe...

I'll just have to make a fuss next year instead...

But if you can, walk to work today... or, as the website says... "Use public transport and get off the bus, train, tram or ferry a few stops earlier and walk the rest of the way. Or take a half-hour walk at lunch-time. If you have to drive, leave the car at least a kilometre or two from your destination and walk the remaining distance".

Current Mood: encouraging


Jenny said...

We have this sort of competition here in the office that I work in. We hold it once a year, it's called, Walk, Run, Bike, Crawl to work Day. It's very successful. We have a bunch of gentlemen here that will bike 70-80km prior to work and last year we had an employee who had a private plane and flew to work.. it was pretty neat. So HERE, HERE - let's get out there and get moving!!

S said...

There should be a "Sit on your ass and veg" day... every day.