after work drinks

Oy vey...

You wouldn't think I'd only had one drink last night, not with the way I feel this morning... all the high section of my voice is gone, my legs are kinda achey, and I have a vague headache...

Course this is what happens when you follow a short (but good) photoshoot with after work drinks with people you used to work with. And when you let yourself be talked into staying longer than you had originally intended to stay... and you scream yourself stupid because everyone is talking at once and trying to compete with the (rather loud) music from the outdoor speakers.

It was a good day overall though. The photoshoot went well, at least I feel like it did, I'll know for sure when I get the photos back later today. But he seemed happy, we took the kind of shots he wanted, so that's always a bonus, when the model leaves happy. We dribbled crap about movies and stuff between shots, and it was all nice and comfortable and casual, which you would expect after working together as many times as we have. It only lasted about an hour, hour and a half, something like that, and we only shot one roll, but we only really needed to "highlight" his new hair, so to speak.

But that's why my legs ache... they always do after a shoot... all that getting up and down and crouching and kneeling and whatnot...

The afterwork drinkies were fun, although once again it just reinforced my wanting to be back there again. Interestingly though, I verbalised to my old boss one of the reasons why I've been kinda directionless since I left them, that feeling that being there was where my previous jobs had been directing me, and now that I'm NOT there, I'm just not sure WHERE I actually am meant to go from here. And while I've had some of those thoughts on and off for a while, that was the first time I'd verbalised it like that.

It seemed pretty clear too that they'd missed me, or at least, seeing me last night made them think "gee, I wish he was still with us"... and it was mentioned more than once.

I'd fully intended to go home around 7, but was told by V, my former work-girly, that I had to stay. And since I really DIDN'T have anything to come home for, I ended up staying, talking shit, laughing, losing my voice, and having a pretty good time. But when one of the guys and his girlfriend left at around 9, I decided that that was the appropriate moment to make my escape, and shuffled off home.

I didn't end up going to bed until 2am, but at least I WAS home.

Current Mood: kinda flat

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