It is for Ma (and now I'm going to have to find somewhere to hide this until Christmas), but I've actually been working on it for about half of the day today (okay, so not the WHOLE half-day)...
I started around lunchtime, only intending to do the "undercoat" on both the canvases (one pink, one green)... but I'd found a cool random seahorse image online that I then printed and cut out to make a stencil given Ma's ongoing fetish for seahorses...
To be honest, I'm not completely sure it's finished... but I also don't want to overwork it, or else I know I'm going to end up screwing it seventeen ways from Sunday... and I know it's not brilliant... which is partly because I'm using cheapass brushes and paints... but also very much because I have NO idea what the hell I'm doing...
And yes, since I'm not sure exactly how I want to end up signing these things, that is kind of an ellipsis as my signature in the bottom right corner...
This was a three-movie painting too... Boogie Nights, Breakfast at Tiffany's and The Breakfast Club... what, I'm going through and watching all my movies in alphabetical order... shut up...
Current Mood:

That is really good. It also reminds me a lot of your previous blog theme - if I saw it somewhere else out of context I might well have thought "Yaniblog"! I wish I could do that - do you take commissions?! :)
Thanks Tom... I know what you mean about the previous blog theme... what can I say, I likes to pink... and the purple...
And once I'm more comfortable with what I'm actually doing re: painting, who knows... hehehe... there is possibly a random idea based on you/your blog theme (like I mentioned last Monday) floating around somewhere in my head... I just have to work out what it is...
That, and get rid of this smell of paint (at least I think that's what the smell is)...
I think it looks just fine as it is. I'm sure your mum would love it. I do. :)
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