

What a day...

It's been one of those days where the things you thought would be difficult and time consuming were easy, and the things that should have been easy were far too difficult...

Because Ma finished up her days off today, we figured we might as well go to the movies (more on that in my next post)... but before that I had to take my car into the garage to check out the mysterious PWR light that appeared after I got a new battery, and we also wanted to stop off at Cash Converters to dispose of my ever increasing army of VHS tapes (not porn this time though, just regular movies) that have pretty much all been superseded by my evergrowing DVD collection...

So Ma followed me into town so I could drop my car off at the garage....

We got there, I spoke to the nice mechanic (although not the cute one this time) and explained the whole drama to him... he looked at me and said "Do you have a Power Somethingorother Button?" (he didn't actually say Somethingorother, but I can't remember what he actually called it)... and I looked at him blankly and admitted I actually had no idea whether I did or not...

Then he pointed it out... right on the side of the gear lever... and started the car, and pressed the button and the light went away...

Obviously Cute Anthony Mechanic must have accidentally hit it at some point when he was working on the car, and since I didn't actually know I had the button in question, or what it did, I didn't know that the PWR light goes on when the button is pressed...

How embarrassment!

Anyway, Ma followed me back home again, we jumped in her car and tootled back into town to take her mobile to Optus World (it's all busted and needs to go back to the factory or where ever to be rebooted and pretty much just kicked in the head)... that was easy enough... and while she was doing that I nipped over to the bank to deposit my pitiful tax refund cheque (only $174 this time... not like last year!)... which is when I discovered that obviously it was Big Gay Day Out or something...

The guy who served me in the bank was a big queen... went back over to Optus World to meet Ma... boy serving her seemed to be a member of the tribe... went to Gloria Jeans for a quick breakfast... goes without saying that at least one, if not both, of the Barrista boys were gay... and so it went ALL DAY LONG... I've been tripping over poofs all day today... Marion seemed to be covered in them... it was kinda disturbing actually... I'm not sure what was going on, normally I'd see one or two fellow queers on a day out like that, but these seemed to be coming out of the woodwork (no pun intended)...

Anyway, we stopped off at Cash Converters (which was actually somewhere there WEREN'T any gay boys) on the way down to Marion... got the five bags of VHS tapes out of the boot, took them in, waited to be served... only to be told that they don't buy VHS tapes... or CD singles, which was the other thing I took down to sell...


Cranky! I understand what he was saying, for the price they could offer me and then what they could resell them at, it isn't worth doing the paperwork for them. It's still annoying though.

So now I have to come up with something to do with them all... I mean I have almost the full run of Buffy (everything bar the final season)... all three Lord of the Rings movies... the Matrix Trilogy... not to mention a ton of other titles... and like Cinderella, nobody will let them come to the ball...

I wonder if there's any point putting them on eBay?

So yeah... potentially hard things, easy... supposedly easy things, difficult...

Current Mood: happy and disappointed... but more happy


Tom said...

Ebay is the way forward!

Your blue tiger thing isn't being very friendly - he just roared at me... :(

yani said...

He was probably trying to eat your mouse pointer... he does that to me all the time, even when the pointer is nowhere near him...

Larry said...

Maybe you could make a time capsule and bury them in someone's yard for future generations...