In that year I've expanded my route three times, changed the time (just one major change though), gotten new pants and shoes (after killing about three other pairs of shoes), dropped at least two sizes in my jeans... and I've only missed a single day.
That's pretty good, right?
Yeah, I thought so too...
I'll let you in on a little secret... I actually really enjoy it. Granted when I wake up and start to get ready my brain sometimes does the whole random grumbling thing, but once I'm suited up and out the door I just plain enjoy it.
Even when it's cold, even when it has occasionally rained on me, and especially on days like today where the wind is pleasantly warm, the sun is shining, the sky is blue and everything seems right with the world. I don't know if it's endorphins (although I kind of doubt it, since I feel that way right from the beginning of a walk) or just the whole "exercise = feeling good" thing, but I love being out there.
And the best part is that I'm just doing it for me... not because I think I should be doing it, not to get laid more or find a boyfriend... I do it because it makes me happy and makes me look better, which in turn makes me feel a little better about me.
Current Mood:

I know exactly what you mean :)
So what size ae your jeans now yaniboy?
Good for you. I'm not much good at keeping that sort of routine going - three months was my record for every day swimming, but walking every day for a year that's pretty good going!
Great motivating story! Thanks!
My lack of self-discipling is my problem.
That, and my excessive thinking about my lack of discipline...
Both things get in the way of healthy, regular exercise... :D
Skander: My jeans are two sizes smaller than they were a year ago... and if you think I'm telling you either size you're possibly quite insane...
Tom: I don't know how I would have gone/will go if I was working... it's possible that I would have caved in way before now...
Paul: You're talking to someone who scored 8% for Self-Discipline in his IPIP-NEO Personality test... :P
I think you're running away from the hoards of guys chasing you...
Sorry... fell off my chair laughing...
That's SO not the case Steven...
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