
montage monday: graveyard

graveyard 2006Today's Monday Montage is in honour of Halloween tomorrow (even though Australia doesn't really celebrate it)... and it's where I dragged Stu for a "photo excursion" last Tuesday morning... West Terrace Cemetery...

It was an interesting excursion, but I have to say, probably a little more depressing than I actually thought it was going to be (although by the same token, it wasn't THAT depressing... it never is when Stu and I go anywhere together)... maybe depressing isn't the right word... perhaps it was more thought provoking than anything else. There are some beautiful statues and gravestones, as well as some pretty old ones (at least by Australian standards)... and the montage came out suitably gothicy (it helped that it was a suitably overcast, if still quite warm, day), so I'm happy about that...

There were no real grand adventures on Saturday... Ma and I just hit The Parade at Norwood, which is not somewhere we go very often, mostly because there's really not that much there that you can't find elsewhere... and, well, to be honest, what is there is kind of mostly overpriced... we did end up getting a couple of long sleeved teeshirts for me (in a much smaller size than anything I've bought in a very, very, very long while... okay, so one of them is a little snug, but come next winter it should fit like a dream) that were on sale... but other than that, it was pretty much just window shopping and wandering... lots and lots of wandering...

And oh joy of joys, oh rapture of raptures... Farmers Union Iced Coffee has come out with two new variations (sorry, but it's pretty much right at the top of my favourite drinks list, so I'm going to rave and gush for a moment). In addition to the regular kind, there is now also Farmers Union Strong Iced Coffee, which is made with a stronger coffee flavour than the normal stuff (not surprising really, given the name)... and Farmers Union Light Iced Coffee, which supposedly has 20 grams less sugar (which is good)... but I gotta say, the strong stuff... that's dangerous... good, but wow, too much of it and you would be climbing the walls for a couple of days. I do like the subtle differences in the packaging between the three different kinds too... it's so subtle I didn't notice it at first, but it looks great. I'm betting that the Strong variation does really, really well in all the various factories, building sites and other very blokey environments where this stuff is so popular, but the Light version might struggle a little...

Whatever vaguely heathy eating plan I follow during the week, it all tends to go to hell in the proverbial handbasket on the weekends, and moreso on Sundays... generally it's just too many carbs and processed crap and whatnot... and I end up feeling all bloated and a little bit like I could probably throw up (which pretty much described how I was feeling for a large chunk of yesterday evening)... at least for a while anyway... I really, really need to come up with come new plan for both lunch and dinner on Sundays, or dinner at the very least... and if I mention it here, it's almost like saying it outloud, so something might actually happen...

I called my cousin last week and ended up organising to see her today (since it's her day off)... so that will be... educational? It sounds like the poor dear just wants to reconnect with those family members she doesn't see that often (which would mostly be me... since our family isn't that huge)... but like I said last week, we're two very different people these days, so who knows how it's all going to go... I'm just going to assume it will be ever so slightly like sticking a fork into the back of my hand (big points if you know where that reference is from), and if it's not, well, bonus... I'm betting on the fork thing though... or at the very least that I'm going to be so bored that I'm going to WANT to stick a fork in the back of my hand...

Once again the whole Daylight Savings malarcky crept up on me out of pretty much nowhere... so much so that until I saw something in the paper on Saturday I had no idea it was even happening this weekend (although that's possibly not as bad as when I was living with Ludo and we didn't have any idea until we got the paper the day AFTER it happened)... and, yet again, I'm trying very hard not to fall into the trap of thinking "oh, it's really 9am" when the clock says 8am or whatever... although I have to admit, I did think about it probably more this morning than I did for the whole of yesterday. It was weird this morning, having to get up for my walk at a time imposed by my mobile alarm rather than my bodyclock... and it was even weirder knowing that while according to the clock I was out later than my regular time, according to the position of the sun, etc, I was actually out much earlier... weird...

I'm hoping that it's going to be easier tomorrow, especially as far as actually leaving the house goes... and since I have to be up, walked, back, showered, dressed and organised by around 8am, since Ma is taking a day off so that we can go into town and get her mobile sorted out after last weekend's dramas... and since it's our regular Tuesday, we're going to take off to Marion and see The Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D during the day, and hopefully avoid the evening rush (if there is one... but being a Tim Burton movie, at Marion, on Halloween... there could be a plethora of goth and emo types hitting the cinema for the later sessions)...

Oh, and my faithful Mac-orientated viewers should notice a change in my mood icons...

Current Mood:


Tom said...

LOL! I've never seen FU Iced coffee - I'll look out for it, but I see from their website that they've reached "iconic status" in South Australia. You must be at least part of the reason!

yani said...

Actually that's not marketing hyperbole... they were named one of the BankSA Heritage Icons in 2004... to, as the website says, "record, recognise and protect items which have made a significant contribution to the State's cultural identity"...


Tom said...

Well, if I see it, I'll give it a go. Can't be worse for me than Starbuck's Mocha Frapuccino that I've aquired a taste for... (shhh... wouldn't normally be seen dead in starbucks as their hot coffee isn't the best... but there's something about their iced coffee!)

Also just noticed the mood icons are finally standards compliant! :P Good stuff!