This weekend wasn't a Cleanfest weekend... I'm saving up Stage 3 until the weather levels out a bit... and also because I don't really want to start it yet...
We did go out very, very early for shopping though... I think after last week's success we decided that it was possibly an ongoing plan... plus, I really enjoy it... there's no people around at 8am on a Saturday morning, or much less people, anyway, so everything seems to take much less time... it might take exactly the same amount of time, but it feels quicker.
But even though this wasn't a Cleanfest weekend, there's still ongoing Cleanfest fallout...
I mentioned a while back that I'd gotten a new quilt... well, on Saturday we took the old quilt to Dyne to have them check it out, and possibly refill it, or at least give it the once over and tell us it was cactus... and the nice woman at Dyne took it out the back and poked a hole in it, gave it the business... there was good news and bad news... "We can rebuild him, we have the technology"... sorry... where is that from anyway? So, yeah, the filling could be saved, mostly, however, the old cover was so "well loved" (ie filthy) that it is going to have to be replaced, at a grand total of $150 for both filling rejuvenation and replacement cover... which seems expensive, but is still cheaper than the "new" option of $240 that she was going to float past us.
On the way down to Dyne we passed some place called "The Christmas Shop", so, mostly for shits and giggles, we went back to take a look... OMG! Tack-a-freakin-rama! It was a pokey little store, with three or four little rooms, each one was filled from floor to ceiling with every manner of scary ass Christmas ornament, tacky plastic novelty, angel, nativity, singing Santa or Dean Martin or Bing Crosby or Homer Simpson and a million other types of random crap in the Xmas oeuvre... luckily, now that we've been there, we don't ever have to go there ever again...
As I mentioned briefly yesterday, I went through my VHS tapes on the bookcase behind the door, firstly on Saturday night, just to tidy them up and made some space... and then again on Sunday morning, when I went through all the tapes I'd recorded from teevee, movies or whatever... and my sadly extensive porno collection, most of which was pretty damn tragic...
About three quarters of the recorded stuff got ditched, although I did find a few things that I forgot I had... like Torch Song Trilogy (I SO need to get that on DVD... love, love, love that movie... and it was the first "gay movie" I ever saw), Beautiful Thing, Edward II, Ridicule and three tapes full of Will & Grace episodes I've never watched (don't ask).... so they got kept, at least until I've watched some of them.
Originally I was planning on taking the unwanted porno tapes to the sex shop on Melbourne Street, because I know that they used to have a "swap library" where you could buy something, then take it back and swap it for something else... although I think there was a fee involved... but I'd be happy to take them the 10 or so tapes and just swap the lot for a couple of DVDs... alternatively I'm either just going to "donate" them to the store and they can do whatever they want with them... or something... I don't want to just throw them away... and I can't be bothered attempting to sell them anywhere... anyone want to send me postage money for free movies?
Like I said, the whole sex shop thing was the plan, but when I jumped in the car to go down (no pun intended) there, the car wouldn't start... dead battery I think... but very annoying... and unfortunately, unlike the last time my battery died like that, the stupid thing isn't in warranty anymore (two year warrant... which expired a year ago, dammit)... so I need to call the RAA about that this morning... yaaaay...
Actually I need to make a bunch of phone calls this morning... I'll do them all later though...
After I discovered the dead battery, I called Ma to tell her about it, and we ended up talking about the fact that I'm not working (yet again... the talking about it bit, not the not working bit), and I actually told her some of the stuff that's been on my mind for a while now... although I didn't go into that much detail... more detail than I'm going into here though... but it kind of left me in a slightly odd mood... again...
I finished up sorting out both the video bookcase, and the bottom couple of shelves on my other bookcases, partly because I moved the box of comic books behind the door to make room on the bookshelves... which then lead to me going through my entire collection of DNA magazines and reducing them to a pile of pages to keep, and a pile of stuff to trash... I have to say though, that in general DNA is a difficult magazines to tear pages out of... constructed both well and oddly... course it didn't help that I was tearing out great chunks of pages, since they have/had really great "fashion" spreads. I did keep Issue #1 and the second birthday issue intact though... for no particular reason, other than the fact that I don't like destroying first editions of things. And who knows what stuff like that could be worth one day... yeah, I know, not likely... but possible...
So yeah, lots of standing around tearing stuff up, but at least now I have more space on those bottom two shelves...
But on the downside, I no longer have the free space in the top drawer of my desk like I was bragging about last week... c'est la vie!
On a vaguely side note, Richard Hammond, cute little hobbit presenter of Top Gear (which I watch when Mythbusters isn't on (although MB starts again at the beginning of October... yaaay), just because it's amusing) and Brainiac (or as I like to call it, Mythbusters Lite with Tits), was involved in a very serious accident last week... and which I only heard about on Saturday when I was reading the paper... it seems like they expect him to make a full recovery (which is good, since the article I read on Saturday was giving him a 50/50 chance) even though he had a "significant brain injury"... but I hope he has a speedy and complete recovery... Get well soon Hamster...
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