
belated hair adventures

Yaaaaay Haircut Day! And Haircolour Day too...

It's been about a billion years since the last time I had my hair cut (August 1 according to the last hair related blog entry) and about two billion years since the last time I had it coloured (May 12)... but on the plus side, as I mentioned on Monday, my Tinkerbell Hair Girly was back from parts unknown (okay, not so unknown, but it sounds cooler)... which was good because it just means that I can sit there and chat with her and not have to worry about what she's doing, since I know she's going to do good...

My appointment was originally supposed to be 10am, but because I took a slightly earlier bus into town (so I wouldn't have to pay for parking) I was kind of wandering around at a loose end at 9:30, so decided to stick my head in at the hairdressers to see if Tink was free... turns out she was, so we got started early.

I'm not sure if she did the same colour as last time (which was lighter) or the one from the times before that... from the look of it, I think it might be the last colour... my own fault, I should have been paying attention... I might have to get her to do something a little darker next time.

We chatted about random stuff as usual, although I could not for the life of me remember what movies I'd seen recently, at least when she initially asked... fortunately I did manage to remember the last three eventually... must remember to take a look at my movie blog entries before my next haircut, remind myself what I've seen.

After I was all done with the hair, and Tink had given me a free sample of Mellogoo (Power Paste no less) from Goldwell (yaaay free things!), I had to wander around for about an hour and a half because out of the blue, the girly from my original agency called me yesterday and asked if I was free to come in for a quick interview/chat... she originally asked if I was free on Friday, but since I was going to be in town today anyway I figured I could kill two birds with one stone...

So I wandered around for a while, grabbed a quick bite, trawled through the bookshops, took a quick look in one of the comic shops to see if I could see a particular graphic novel (and although I have been a customer of that particular store on and off for a long time, I still never feel completely comfortable in there), until it was time to go see Agency Girly...

Like all Agency Girlies, probably the world over, this one was overly perky, but unlike New-Agency Girly, Old-Agency Girly had a very girly handshake (although it was better when we were saying goodbye than it was when we shook hands to start with, I don't know what was going on there)...

Anyway, I think she only really wanted to get me in to eyeball me and update their records and whatnot, but, hey, at least she's showing an interest, which is more than New-Agency Girly has done in a while... Will anything come of it? Who knows... but at least now she knows what I'm looking for and she's met me, so I should be somewhere in the front of her mind for when appropriate things come up.

Then I wandered back towards the main part of town, stopped off briefly along the way at Cheap As Chips, theoretically just to grab four small canvases for the "BlogBoys" paintings I want to do... ended up grabbing the four canvases, plus a set of finer brushes, plus a little wooden easel (although whether I will actually use it for any of these paintings or not, I don't know)...

Obviously by that point I was in an "I was going to do X, but now I'll do Z instead" mood, because I headed for the bus stop, intending to take a couple of photos of the groovy new graphics outside the Festival Theatre... which I did... but instead of actually stopping at the bus stop, I just walked home instead. It wouldn't have been that big a decision if I'd been wearing my walking shoes, but I was wearing my very groovy but very thinly soled shoes instead... my feet haven't started complaining yet, but we'll see how they are tomorrow...

Current Mood: new hair, employment opporunities and canvases... life is good

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