
halloween list

image by glen hansonAhhh... the day dawns with perfect weather for All Hallow's Eve... lots of clouds, a little rain on the ground, a crispness in the air... and to top it all off, the chance of a thunderstorm sometime tonight... perfect...

But, moving on... this is actually the combination of two different Halloween Memes that I found, with all of the "dress up" questions taken out (since I never have and probably never will dress up, since we don't really do that here in Australia)...

And unlike last year's effort, this didn't take me over two straight hours to complete...

  1. What horror movie gives you the most chills?
    I'm kinda embarrassed to say that that would have to be Jeepers Creepers... but only the first half or so... it freaked me out so much the first time I watched it that I actually had to STOP watching it while it was dark and wait until the following morning to finish it off... and less than five minutes after I started watching it again it went from scary to silly/campy...

  2. What is your favorite work of horror fiction?
    If you can call Laurell K. Hamilton's first Anita Blake Vampire Hunter book, Guilty Pleasures, horror fiction then I would say that... but I'm not sure it is, even with all the vampires and zombies and werewolves... so maybe Clive Barker's Cabal.

  3. What is your favorite work of horror cinema?
    That would probably be Bram Stoker's Dracula...

  4. Who is your favorite monster?
    As a group, that would have to be vampires... I don't know that I have one individual favourite, even from the vampires... Dracula, Angel, Spike, Lestat and Louis, Jean-Claude...

  5. What is your favorite Halloween treat?
    I'm going with an American candy for this one... so it would have to be Reese's Peanut Butter Cups... the "miniature" kind... mmmmmm Reeses...

  6. What is your creepy-crawlie fear?
    I don't have a fear of any one creepy-crawly... what does freak me out, be it bugs or rats or mice or whatever, is when there are a million billion of them and they're all climbing all over each other... URGH! That just freaks me out... yucky...

  7. Freddy versus Jason?
    Totally Freddy... okay, so it's partly because I've seen all the Nightmare on Elm Street movies and none of the Friday the 13th ones... but, c'mon, Freddy gets all the one-liners... right?

  8. Ghosts or goblins?
    Goblins... I think...

  9. What is your supernatural fear?
    I don't know that I really have one... vampires don't freak me out, or zombies (well, maybe they would "in real life") or werewolves or witches or anything really...

  10. Do you believe in ghosts?
    I would probably say yes to this one... perhaps not the white sheet type, but I do believe that people can leave their energy behind in a place.

  11. Tell us about a time when you saw a ghost, or heard something go bump in the night.
    Well, I think I saw something (although I couldn't swear that it was a ghost) in the tower of Carclew, back when I used to live next door, and was out walking around the block late one night (long story, don't ask)... and it looks like I'm not the only one who might have seen it...

  12. Would you ever stay in a real haunted house overnight?
    Yeah, probably... depends on whether I had to do it all on my own or not I guess... and how run down the house was... I'd be more freaked out about sharing my bed with rats and spiders than ghosts...

  13. What do you want on your tombstone?
    Something along the lines of "he made a difference"... or maybe just "he died happy, surrounded by lots of cash and his much younger, former professional gymnast boyfriend" *grin*
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