It was one year ago yesterday that I got my digital camera... and one year ago today that I took the first image with it... and then tomorrow it's a year since I took my first stab at a montage... yeah, I know, who keeps track of these things... well, me, obviously... even though, as you can see, the first shot wasn't that great, I kept it anyway because it was the first shot...
So lame...
And as of last Wednesday I'd shot 3293 images... granted I've only kept around 2014 of them...
Moving on...
I actually had a really lazy Saturday... no early shopping, no nothing... Ma had a wedding to go to, followed by the reception in the city, so I drove her into town for that in the afternoon, but the morning was all mine. It just seemed strange, not going out and about all over the place.
You know how they say "Ignorance is bliss"? Well, they're completely right... since all that drama with my car, I've noticed that there was this random light on the dash saying "PWR"... I just assumed that it had always been there, but I'd never noticed it before. Then, on Friday, when I was driving down to the airport to pick Ma up (not that she had been anywhere on a plane... it's a long story... basically since she has some time off from work she'd been away for a couple of days with her best friend... okay, maybe it's not that long a story), and then drive her home... while I was waiting at a set of lights, I grabbed my car's manual and looked up the "PWR" light... and supposedly it comes on for three seconds when you start the car and then goes off... and if it doesn't go off then there could be something wrong with the car's automatic transmission... and I discover this before driving over half an hour to Ma's place and half an hour back again...
I'm hoping that it's just something that cute Anthony didn't attach properly or some other random screwup that he made when he gave me a new battery... so that I can take it back into him, he can fiddle for five seconds and make the light go away. It's either that or I'm going to have to drive down to the dealership and get them to first work out what the problem is, then fix it.
Yaaaay... not...
I would have done it on Saturday, but obviously cute Anthony and his workmates don't work on Saturdays... or at least they didn't answer their phone both times I called.
While I was paying my rent on Saturday morning, I happened to be served by the guy who owns the building, rather than Random Rental Flunky... so I mentioned to him that Skateboard Guy was driving me insane with the skating and the grinding... he said that he would ask him to stop skating in the courtyard... I'm not entirely sure he won't mention my name though, or at least let Skateboard Guy know who complained about him. So I fully expect to get a skateboard through my living room window sometimes this week... Okay, maybe that's a big ass exaggeration... but he's a moody little hobbit, so who knows what he might do.
Oddly enough I haven't seen him all weekend...
Okay, I'm going to be a big lame fanboy for two seconds...
I love Veronica Mars... sure, I initially started watching it because I heard that Joss Whedon raved about it, but with good reason, it's an amazing show. After the first series finished a month or so back I was a little sad, but figured that it shouldn't be too long before Network Ten put the next series on. And I was right... they snuck the second series on without advertising it at all and without me noticing it in the TV guide... then pulled it after three or so episodes... I only realised that they had done it when I saw a letter in the TV guide complaining about what they had done. And I was pissy about missing out on it (but kind of glad that they'd stopped the series before I missed any more of it)... then I noticed last week that the new series was back on again... so I tuned in, expecting them to have started again at the beginning of the second series, due to the aforementioned sneakiness... and what did I find... they started it where they'd left off... about four episodes in... WHAT THE! And when I logged onto Ten's website to find an email address and send them a strongly worded complaint... they don't have any email addresses listed for people to email complains to, only an snail mail address... WHAT THE! Rude! Am I annoyed enough to send them a snail mail? Maybe... but would it actually change anything?
On the flipside, the final episode of Doctor Who on Saturday kicked ASS! Okay, so I spent about the last fifteen minutes of the show crying... and the last five minutes or so unable to stop sobbing... it was very moving, shut up... I couldn't help it. If the DVD's for the first two seasons come down to a reasonable price, I think I have to have them... I'm just hoping that the series doesn't go downhill from here now that Billie Piper is gone... I gotta say, after the little grab at the end of the episode of the new Companion, Catherine Tate, she didn't impress me at all... thus is the downside to the Doctor Who franchise... Doctor changes, Companion changes, show changes. And not always for the better.
Okay, fanboy moment over with...
Since I changed over to this groovy Triple J mousepad, I keep noticing that there seems to be pale powder under where the mouse is after a while... and I think I discovered the cause the other day... I happened to look at the underside of my mouse and the corner of it seems to have been rubbed smooth... there even used to be a little dot of plastic in that corner that's been completely worn away too... maybe I need to get a different mousepad before I wear a hole clean through the mouse...
Current Mood:

I thought I was the only person who remembered "vaguely pointless anniversaries" as you put it. I was searching for advice on cooking puff pastry, ended up here, read on and must say I enjoyed it. Thanks for the musings... Madelynn
Your mousemat is eating your mouse? weird... get one of those optical ones then you can get rid of the mousemat for good!
The fact that you know not only how many pictures you've takan, but how many you've kept amuses me greatly :)
Tom: I have an optical mouse... but the underside of the drawer I use as my keyboard and mouse holder is rough board... which I suspect would be worse than the sandpaperlike mousepad.
Larry: What? My camera numbers all the shots as it takes them... and I know how many shots are in my Nikon folder... it's not like I went through and counted them all individually... :P
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