
and our one thousandth commenter is....

one thousandth commenterYep, The Love Lemming himself...

I told you before that I'm all about the vaguely pointless anniversary.

For the record Larry left the 1000th comment... he's not the 1000th person to comment on the blog...

Big hugs to Larry for being Mr 1000, and thanks to everyone who takes the time to drop me a comment now and then... it is appreciated!

Current Mood: one thousandy goodness


Tom said...

Is there a prize for 1,001? :P

yani said...

Well, there could have been... but it was me :P

Tom said...

Surely the organiser of the competition isn't allowed to play!

Actually I had this very idea for my blog as it went past 500 comments a week or so back... but then I forgot not to comment myself, and so I was the 500th which didn't really seem fair!

yani said...

Yeah, I nearly had the same problem... I just had to sit on my hands for a couple of days and not comment on anyone else's comments... hehe

Anonymous said...

Dammit...I meant to do something for the 1000th comment on mine, but I didn't pay attention and it went by me. And then again with number 2500. The next landmark number is 5000. I don't think I'm going to make it that far. Maybe I can catch # 3000. It's probably just a few months away.

yani said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's had this idea... hehehe...

Larry said...

Andf of course... I missed this :) Hurray for me!!

Hurray for you, actually :)