
montage monday: colour story

colour storyI didn't actually intend to make today's Monday Montage a colour story in white, purple, blue and pink... it just kind of happened... I'd planned to do something with spring flowers, and took a few shots on my trip to the supermarket yesterday, but yesterday it was sunny and this morning it was all cloudy, so I was very nearly going to sulk and not do a montage, but decided to take the camera anyway and see what happened...

Well, as you can see from the fact that the shots are pretty flatly lit, the sun didn't come out, but I took a heap of shots of random spring flowers... actually the flat light didn't hurt that much, especially since I shot quite a few white flowers... but anyway, when I got home and looked at the shots, I realised that I had a whole world of white, blue, purple and pink flowers... so in the end, I went with that.

What I just realised is that the colours in today's montage are very similar to the colours in the Video Hits CD cover from yesterday's post... scary...

Fricken J... he's asking me for website design advice on MSN, but he seems to have already made up his mind and just wants me to agree with him... *gnashes teeth*

Ma and I did the shopping thing again on Saturday, and made out like bandits at the Red Circle Boutique... they were selling off the last of their winter clothes at low, low, low prices, and we both managed to find some stuff... granted Ma found about three times as much stuff as me... but I did manage to find a shirt and a long sleeved teeshirt, which had been $27 and $25 dollars respectively... and they both ended up costing $7 each... Bargain...

I also managed to find another interestingly distressed pair of jeans, but they were $45, marked down to about $20... but the good thing is that they're yet another size smaller than the last pair I bought... yaaay me again... and it was also fortunately, since they were the only size in that style, being in the sale area and all...

When Ma and I got back from shopping... well, actually, it started before we left... because I'd 'sploded the casserole dish, and little bits of glass went everywhere, I'd asked Ma to bring down her vacuum cleaner to assist me in getting rid of any residual bits of glass... which she did... but this led to what she and I describe as "Washing the Windowsill Syndrome"... WtWS is taken from an old For Better or For Worse cartoon strip, where the mother wipes down the windowsill because its dirty, then realised the window is dirty and cleans that too, then notices the curtains need to be washed... basically, any item that is cleaned will automatically make everything else look filthy and in need of a clean...

So since my place needed (and still needs) a good clean in some areas, we picked up some new cleaning products while we were out and came back with the intention of making my kitchen squeeky clean... however, we decided first that it was probably Dustbunny season, and while we had Ma's vacuum here, we should move my computer desk first and kill off the Dustbunny colony from behind it...

In essence, we washed the windowsill...

I will say that the Dustbunny colony behind my computer desk hasn't been culled in a while... a long while... a really, really long while... shut up... I don't own a vacuum cleaner and I hate cleaning... and if I can's see it, it doesn't exist...

But we took the computer apart (so many fricken cables), dusted all the bits, moved them out of the way, then pulled out both the chest of drawers and my bedside cabinet... trust me, you don't want to know what was back there... lets just say I call it a Dustbunny colony for a reason... those things has been breeding back there... anyway... once they'd been exterminated, we decided to do a job I've been meaning to do for ages and ages, but never gotten around to, taking all the keys off my keyboard and giving them a good clean...

The look of the keyboard before never really bothered me... yeah, I knew it was kinda grotty, but it had gotten that way over time, so I just lived with it... but now... good lord... it's all one colour again... and clean... it's fabulous...

Again, we won't mention the Dustbunnies that lost their lives once all the keys were removed from the keyboard and the case was swept out...

I did have a little bit of trouble getting the Enter key back in properly... that bugger is tricky... it's got two little wire bits in addition to the plastic connector, and the wire thingies cross over each other... it's not easy to put back... and I didn't manage it on Saturday... I got frustrated and gave up... but after using it, or trying to use it, on Sunday, I finally gave in, removed the keyboard and replaced it correctly, so now it actually works properly.

We never did get around the doing the kitchen though... maybe next week...

And now, lets give a moment of silence for all the Dustbunnies who gave their lives on Saturday so I could have a cleaner apartment...

Thank you...

While I was at the Seven Day Supermarket on Sunday there was this woman who kept asking the lone checkout chick, who had a line of people at the checkout already, where the Mascarpone cheese was... the girl told her where it should be, and off the woman wandered... then came back, and said she couldn't find it... the poor girl was doing the best she could and told the woman she would show her in a minute, but she obviously had these other customers to serve.

Anyway, I was wandering around, since I too needed the assistance of said checkout chick, but I was quite content to wander about aimlessly until she was free... and after the woman went back to her again about the fricken Mascarpone, I decided to take matters into my own hands and cruised down the dairy aisle to see if I could see it...

There was cream and cottage cheese and ricotta and butter and cheese... but I couldn't see the Mascarpone... so I kind of gave up and was heading back up the aisle, just looking at the labels on the shelves to see if I could see where it SHOULD have been from the price tags... and then I spotted it... Mascarpone... they had tons of the stuff... granted it was in very squat little containers and they were on the top shelf, so it may be that the woman just didn't see them.

I grabbed one and headed over and gave it to her. She was very appreciative... as was the checkout chick when I told her I'd found the Mascarpone for the woman. And all so I didn't have to listen to the woman whinge to the checkout chick. I made two people happy... well, three, if you count me...

Current Mood: chilly fingers, but good


Larry said...

Dust bunnies? Man, you got off easy. There are dust BUFFALO'S at my house :)

You actually took the keys out of your keyboard? I'e never heard of such a thing before...

Pretty pictures!

S said...

Dust bunnies aren't cute, especially when they congregate in large clumps.

yani said...

I'm so with you on the buffalo's Larry... trust me... the thing behind the computer desk wasn't pretty... and was mostly one giant mutant Donnie Darko-eske bunny...

As for taking the keys off the keyboard, hell yes... although I only learned how easily you could do it from the total nerd I used to work with... just use a butter knife (or whatever the American equivalent is... basically a knife with no sharp or serrated edge), wedge it under the keys from the bottom edge, apply a little pressure and those bad boys pop right off... you can then clean out all the yuck from the base of the keyboard and then the keys pop back in like Lego... except the space bar, shift keys and enter buttons... they have little metal bars you have to fuss with...

Anonymous said...

I love your site and specialy your photo montage
what software do you use to do these montage
Joel from France

yani said...

Joel, I use Photoshop for EVERYTHING I do image-wise... there's nothing automatic or instant about my montages, I crop each image individually (although I do have a little shortcut macro for that), then place them onto the grid by "hand" one by one...