After a random comment on Friday night to Ma about forgetting, once again, to get some chocolate while we were in town, we decided to make a change to our normal Saturday shopping routine, and, after the regularly scheduled wander around Target and the supermarket, head into town to the Central Market, thus killing the chocolate bird and the fruit & veg bird with the same stone...
So now I have a fridge full of fruits and vegetables, and I'm not quite sure what I'm going to make with them. I did get some rhubarb to make apple, pear and rhubarb crumble with for Ma and I on Tuesday... which all got started again (as far as crumbles go) when I made apple and pear crumble for J and Monkey while they were here, the same night I made Tom's Chicken Curry I think... I hadn't really thought about rhubarb or doing anything with it myself, but the thought got forced into my head because the woman in front of us at the supermarket had some and the rather docile checkout chick didn't actually know what it was... to which Ma and I just looked at each other and rolled our eyes. Interestingly though, after reading the Wikipedia entry, it immediately brought up fond childhood memories of eating a stick of rhubarb dipped in sugar... which makes sense, given the part of England Ma comes from...
The other fruit item I can blame people at the supermarket about are mandarins... as we were walking in, there was a teenaged girl walking out peeling one, and I just got the smell for it... so once we hit the market I just had to have some... and then last night, watching teevee, I realised I really hadn't had anything actually resembling a fruit or a vegetable for most of the day, so I sat there and ate four of them... mmmmm mandarin tasty smelly goodness...
It was fun at the markets actually... I mean the place ALWAYS reminds me of Lownee in some small way... and I think we only went there together once... but she knew her way around, and a lot of the places I hit are still places she originally took me... like the cheese place right in the middle, where she introduced me to their own vintage cheese... which is just divine. Other places, like the mushroom stall and the salami stall I may have found on my own, but I'm pretty sure that the fruit and veg stall I usually visit first is the one she originally took me to.
And yes, I did get my chocolate... although I could have gone to Goodies and Grains and gotten their amazing Couverture chocolate, instead, because I was having a specific craving for dark peppermint pastilles, it was off to Haighs we went... I also got some Rocky Road, and although their stuff is really nice, I ALMOST prefer my own homemade version... almost...
Then Ma and I rounded out the day with her first experience with Yum Cha (and my second)... and yes, I took her to the same place I went with Freddy (and no, I didn't tell her how I found it)... all in all it wasn't a bad day... and if I could have been bothered blogging about it on Saturday, it might have made a good post on it's own.
On a more general note... I've started using a new toothpaste (I know, but bear with me, this is going someplace, well, kinda)... Macleans Extreme Clean Zest Impact toothpaste... which has the tagline on all the ads, "toothpaste is no longer mint"... and when I say all the ads, I mean it... there has been a massive teevee campaign (plus I've seen the ad a couple of times at the movies), but the stuff has NO web presence, no website, no mention on the company's existing website, nada, zip, zilch... which I thought was odd... but going back to the toothpaste... it tastes weird... not bad, just... well... weird... in fact, the first time I used it, my mouth tasted like I'd been eating Starburst Babies... I think toothpaste was meant to be minty for a reason...
I got a new toy last Friday... a pedometer... I know, obviously the party never stops here at the house of yani, right... well, I strapped it to my waist this morning and took off for my walk... and it turns out I walked 7226 steps... or at least that's what the machine told me when I got home again... but I'm still not sure how far that actually is... since all this pedometer does is show me the steps... hey, it's was like a buck fifty... what do you want...
At some point last week I also heard from a former model about doing another shoot... he's a strange individual this one... we'll call him Tango I think... which is as good a name as any, since he keeps changing his own name anyway... like I said, he's an odd individual, but I always say that I get good shots of him because I'm trying to work him out through my photographs... we'll see what it amounts to though.
Now, random Big Brother stuff...
Last night, during the eviction, they did a shot of the audience and who did they focus in on but Dylan Lewis, monkeyfaced hotness, former VJ and star of Celebrity BB in 2002 and, it turns out, won (it only lasted a couple of weeks though)... technically it's neither here nor there, but it was just a blast to see him in the audience...

There was also something I noticed last night that made me stop and think for a second... David, yep, good old Farmer Dave, the gay farmer... when he's talking to Gretel in the Diary Room on eviction nights he seems to become "Country David", almost "simple" in the way he speaks, his country accent becomes really pronounced... but when he's just talking to people in the house he's very often very eloquent and almost refined in his speech... just seems weird... I suppose that could be nerves, where he KNOWS for those couple of minutes that he's definitely on camera, and it throws him... but still... is he playing the game?
They announced last week that there's only two more weeks of BB, but we still have seven housemates... so, in theory, there will be two double evictions, leaving three housemates for the final... or a triple and a double, leaving two housemates, which is much more unlikely... we'll have to see I guess... either that or they'll do the two doubles, then throw someone out on the Monday, then have the finale on the Tuesday (although last year, the whole thing didn't finish until August)...
On the plus side, you won't have to listen to me babble about BB every Monday after that... on the down side, these Monday posts could just get a lot shorter...
Current Mood:

So you don't recommend the orange toothpaste?
I've wondered about it but I'd have to look for orange mouthwash, as mint and citrus taste revolting (try brushing your teeth with ordinary mint toothpaste immediately after drinking some oj... yuck!)
And as for rhubarb... ewww.... it's probably great if you cook it fresh but my tastebuds never quite recovered from school rhubarb and custard... not nice!
Rhubarb pie has always been my favorite, but that apple, pear, rhubarb crumble sounds divine. Do you share your recipe?
rhubarb is awesome :)
Tom: No, I wouldn't recommend the orange toothpaste... although it wouldn't have the same effect as drinking OJ, since it's the acid in OJ that reacts with the ingredients in toothpaste... and as for rhubarb, well, I've only ever experienced fresh, but I could imagine institutionalised rhubarb would be a bad thing...
Joe: I might make a brief post about my crumble recipie, but really, how hard is it... chop apples, pears and rhubarb... cook til mushy... combine oats, flour, sugar and butter until crumbly... top mush with crumble... bake at a high heat... we'll see what I end up doing tomorrow though...
I absolutely ADORE apple and rhubarb crumble but I can't be bothered to make it, so that's my dessert of choice when I eat out. Yum. You're making me hungry. ;)
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