
photo friday: palm

palm frond 2006I snapped this one last Sunday along with all the other close up shots, but I liked this one so much that I decided it needed to be bigger than a 100x100 square in a montage...

I'm a sucker for palms at the best of times, but I just love the way this shot came out... good diagonal lines, the stripes from the other frond behind it... the whole deal...

Current Mood: a little chilly, but good


Earl said...

You take some really great photographs. Do you have an online portfolio and more importantly, do you sell prints?

yani said...

Thanks Earl!

I don't have an online portfolio, at least not of the majority of the stuff that I post here... I haven't fallen victim to the flickr virus...

As for selling prints... anything's possible :P ... depending, of course, on which prints you're talking about...