
ongoing monday musings

Yes, I know... no Montage again this morning... originally I was going to add a left over image from one of the other shoots... but Blogger is doing that thing it does from time to time and not letting me load any images... so you'll all just have to suffer through without one.

I'm supposed to be hanging out with Monkey today while J finishes his last exam, so if we actually end up doing anything of interest (rather than shopping or sitting around here watching movies and talking crap) then I might make up a montage for next week... if not I'm going to have to come up with something, go somewhere, do something out of the ordinary... it's just not like it's good photography weather at the moment... and I think I've mostly run out of interesting subjects nearby...

When I spoke to Monkey on Saturday about coming to hang out he said he would call me once he'd woken up... and I know that J's exam started at 9... m'eh... he'll call or he won't... I'll see him tonight either way.

Speaking of Monkey though... and J for that matter... the pair of them leave mid week... I need to find out from J tonight the definate where's and when's so I can go and see them off. I'm gunna miss the pair of them I have to say...

And in the grand tradition of cooking something different for them each week during Mythbusters Monday, tonight I'm having a crack at making Tom's curry... although I am only making half measures (serves ten people indeed *rolls eyes*), which should be enough to feed me and the boys tonight and still have enough left over for Ma and I tomorrow on movie night. Hopefully it all works out okay and Tom didn't actually leave anything out of the recipie.

I didn't mention yesterday, but because I had a tiny fashion crisis on Saturday due to not having an appropriate (clean) outfit for the dinner party (or a spare pair of jeans that actually fit properly), I was decked out in new jeans and a new black top for the evening. And I was very impressed with myself that the top is actually two sizes smaller than a lot of the other stuff in my wardrobe... yaaay... I did notice yesterday thought that the little patch it has on the arm with a heraldic lion rampant on it is actually upside down... I'm not sure if it's supposed to be upside down or if the nice folks in China just sewed it on the wrong way up...

I'm still being plagued by random cupboard noises... I am absolutely positive I heard something actually moving in the cupboard on Saturday night (well, it was really Sunday morning after J's dinner party)... I finally gathered up all my courage and checked the cupboard in the morning... and NOTHING! I couldn't see a hole or any evidence of small fuzzy animals... so now I'm confused... and it's still freaking me out (as well as being really annoying because it wakes me up in the wee small hours... I might have to get a mousetrap or something just to be sure... I would get some rat poison, but I don't want whatever it is dying in my cupboard and me not knowing about it. I did have a thought this morning though... all the cupboards are actually up off the floor, but because they are built in, there's a (presumably) hollow section under the whole thing... the whatever it is could actually be in there... which kind of makes the whole thing worse in some ways *shudder*.

In the world of Big Brother... we didn't lose the gay farmer (which was good) or the donkey slonged headband (who annoyed me, then I liked for a while, but is now annoying me again)... but it also means that my gut feeling about who's going to be evicted has been pretty much spot on this whole season (with the exception of the second evictee who was part of a double eviction)... which is good, because it's been the people I haven't liked that have been going, rather than the ones that aren't bothering me.

And as though one lot of intruders isn't enough for the 2006 series, they're about to send in a second set of three... which will make six all up for this season (and lets not forget that they also like to throw in a "special guest" from one of the other BB houses around the world towards the end... or at least they have the last couple of years)... which actually seems a bit insane and exessive to me... and once again it's two girls and a guy... I'm not sure there has ever been a point where they sent in two guys and a girl as intruders... maybe because the female housemates seem to get themselves voted out before the males.

In weather related news, I'm still freezing all my appropriate body parts off... as I mentioned last week, I had to take my heater in for repairs... which I did on Tuesday... and managed to find the repair place again without actually knowing what it was called or where it was exactly... I just went by memory... which, if you know me and my sense of direction is an achievement in itself. According to the little piece of paper the guy at the store gave me, it should be fixed by next Sunday... if that's supposed to be a 5... which means I won't get it back much before Monday... grrrr... and it's bloody freezing innit!

And for reasons I can't quite explain, I've suddenly become addicted to chap stick since i was sick last week... don't know what that's all about... but I think it might be Monkey's fault and/or influence... since he's a lip balm addict...

Current Mood: doin good


S said...

Isn't the Aussie version of BB much more, uh, graphic than the others seen around the world?

yani said...

I wouldn't say graphic... not when certain countries have shown housemates giving head to other housemates... but there's a difference between what they show in the regular 7pm show and what they show in the Adults Only 9:30pm show... all the nude stuff comes from there...