
photo friday: reeds

reeds 2006Another shot from the great Linear Park Walk extravaganza last week... it's all about the backlighting baby...

These are the same reeds that show up in the shots that went along with the original post, just from a closer vantage point.

Current Mood: can't complain


Larry said...

It suddenly occured to me that it's winter there. I'm not quite sure how something that obvious could escape me, but in your montage of pictures from the park I kept wondering "why are all the plants so dead looking?" I guess I wrote it off to rampaging Koalas destroying the ecosystem or something.

In case I haven't said so in a while, you're a great photographer :)

Jenny said...

I agree with larry, lovely photographer... you definately have an eye for it!

yani said...

LOL yeah Larry, you gotta watch those Koala's... they'll chew your face off :P