
linear park walk

riverbank morning 2006Good gravy, what a morning!!

Like I said on Monday, I had to call the nice people at my car dealership to take the car in... which I did... and arranged to take the car in this morning... but of course since the dealership isn't exactly next door (although it could have been further away), I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to do while I was waiting for the car to be fixed. But I knew that the dealership wasn't that far away from Linear Park, and since I didn't think it would take that long I figured I could go down, take a walk, snap some pics, etc etc...

I skipped my regular walk (figuring that the wandering about the place would be more than enough... little did I know...), and took off reasonably early, getting down there around 8:30.

So I told the nice man at the dealership to give me a call once they'd actually worked out what the problem was and roughly how long it would take, then shouldered my backpack and wandered the streets in the general direction of the park.

Because I'm so monumentally directionally challenged, I had downloaded an image from whereis.com.au of the surrounding area and loaded it onto my phone... god bless technology...

Anyway, I found my way down there and wandered about down the path... snapping pics, listening to the radio on my phone (see earlier point about technology)... and then the aforementioned nice man called me to let me know that it was actually the cable that controls the vents and whatnot that had snapped, and that he's ordered a new one in, but that it wouldn't be in until after lunch...

At this point it was about 9:15...

"Well, bugger that", I thought to myself! And since I was already heading back towards town along the Linear Park bike/walking path, I figured that I might as well just keep on walking, and actually walk home... "how long could it possibly take?" I thought to myself...

Unfortunately, shortly after that my camera battery went dead... of all the days and all the times for it to die... arrggghhhh....

After about another half an hour of walking I was starting to wonder where the hell I was going and if I was actually headed in the right direction... so I called Stu, hoping that he was somewhere near his computer and could do a "whereis" for me... it turned out that he was in K-Mart, so he went looking for the street directories and gave me enough pointers so that I didn't feel like I was going to be walking for the next hundred years.

Plus he offered to take me back to pick up my car later once they call me to tell me it's ready... he so sweet...

I have to say that I'm really annoyed that my camera wasn't working (although on the plus side it probably saved me about an hour in time)... Linear Park is SO beautiful and changes so much along it's length... and there were ducks and other birds... and little architectural details here and there... and so much nature... it was just awesome. I definitely have to go back when my camera battery is all charged up again... although, to be honest, not doing the whole length at once...

yeah... another map... i have issues...See the big long, red line... yeah... that's the length of Linear Park that I walked... compared with the small red rectangle in the bottom left corner which is my usual walk...

It didn't take as long as I thought it might... I got back to North Adelaide just after 11am... so about two hours all up...

Of course I know I'm going to be a sore little camper tomorrow... but I don't feel too bad right now.

Current Mood: knackered now...


Sunshine said...

Oh - pretty picture. *pinch* ;)

yani said...

Grrrr... *slaps fingers* hehehe ;P

skander said...

Do you usually walk in such a rectilinear fashion yani?

yani said...

Smartypants... :P

No... if you hit the link for "my regular walk" at the beginning of the third paragraph you'll see my usual walk pattern... I was just trying to illustrate size difference (although I guess I probably could have drawn my normal walking route on the big map...)