Since today is the last Sunday of the month, it's also the Bears in the Mist day at the sauna... Honestly, I'd thought about it for the last few days after having seen a mention of it online (after not being sure whether or not they were still doing it), but wasn't completely sure whether I was going to go or not...
I managed to get myself organised and do everything I had to do this morning (check my blogroll, get some lunch, read the paper, finish up watching a DVD, etc), so by the time 1:30 rolled around I still wasn't sure one way or the other and figured I would do the same thing I did the first time I went to the Bear afternoon, and head over there, see if I could get a park, and if not, well, then I'd come home and find something else to amuse myself with... maybe take a drive and try and get a Montage happening for tomorrow...
It's probably a really dumb way to make the decision, especially since the particular spot I park in never actually seems to be occupied, so I pretty much know I'm going to get a park if I do down there.
And naturally, there was a park, so I took myself on in, paid, changed into my towel and did a wander... it seemed to take a really long time for my eyes to adjust to the darkness this time around for some unknown reason... which was kind of amusing later, when I was walking through the same spots but now with near perfect night vision... weird.... eyes are weird... people are weird...
On the plus side I didn't run into anyone I didn't want to see... okay, specifically that would be Marc... which was lucky, because I don't actually know what either of us would have had to say to the other if we had stumbled across each other. I'm sure he would have made some lame ass excuse and I would either have blown him off (the "off" in that sentence being important) or been an even bigger wuss and forgiven him... but it wouldn't have been good. Tres awkward...
On the down side I didn't run into anyone I did want to see... well, anyone that I already knew anyway...
I did see one of the guys that was there on the first Bear day I went to... I don't think I mentioned him before, but he has the most amazing tattoos... one massive tribal piece on one shoulder and this great arm band on the other arm that's actually elephants... I know, it sounds weird, but it's beautifully detailed. Anyway, he was there again... but I didn't speak to him this time (I complimented him on his tattoos last time... turns out he was American)...
There actually didn't seem to be THAT many guys there today actually... definitely less than the previous two times I've been of late... not sure why that was... but oddly, at the start of the afternoon it didn't impact my batting average that much... later on, well, we all have slumps... which was only annoying because everyone else wasn't having a slump... ah well...
I'll spare you most of the intimate details... but there was one guy who just didn't have good fellatio etiquette... you know the type... they insist on forcing your head down and want to make you go deeper... ummm... excuse me, I know my gag reflex thank you very much... that and he sounded like a bad porn movie a couple of times... and wanted to ask me too many questions... in the end I just had to tell him to shut up and enjoy it... he did compliment me on my technique though, which is always good to hear... *wink*...
Mostly though I did a lot of soak'n'bake between the wet sauna and the pool (which, I have to say, does do wonders for a boy's complexion as Marc pointed out to me once... my skin actually feels really, really soft and smooth right now)... it also gave me some time to play the observer... and one of the things I did observe were a few really pushy older guys... other twosomes (and occasionally moresomes) were hooking up in the steamroom, and these particular dudes (two of them in particular) just kept trying to join in... completely uninvited... the worst incidence of it though was during my final extended bake, where the twosome in question changed position three or four times to get away from this old guy, even leaving the room at one point, and he just wouldn't take the hint... when they came back into the room, he followed them in. Get the hint and leave them the hell alone goddamit! If you're sitting there and they start playing right next to you, then by all means, have a look, even stare... but if they move away, don't follow them...
I think I did bake for a little too long on my final bake... I was in there for what felt like a really long time... and I may have dehydrated my brain a little... I swigged down over a litre of water, took a couple of Nurofen and I'm still a little headachey. But it's completely self inflicted, so I'm not expecting any sympathy...
Anyway, when I eventually decided to take myself home (so I didn't miss the beginning of Big Brother), it was about 5:45pm... and as I came back to my car I was doing the thing I always do when I've left my car in that spot for an extended period of time, which is "Please be there" (I think partially it comes from the fact that a very long time ago I came out from the other sauna we used to have to find my window (on the driver's side) had been smashed in. Of course the car was still there, but I'd picked up a parking ticket...
And a complete crock of shit too... the ticket is for "Fail to park vehicle facing in direction of travel of vehicles"... in a LANE which is only actually wide enough for one car at a time anyway... yes, I was parked on the right hand side of the road (the only spot that there are actually parks) with the car facing left (if that makes sense)... basically if it had been a road with two lanes, I would have been on the wrong side of the road, but it's a freakin back alley...
I'm going to call them tomorrow and moan about it... but I have no doubt I will end up having to pay it... annoying really... and it's $31... not cheap for a totally trumped up ticket... Grrrr...
Current Mood:

I think saunas are kind of scary. I don't know why really. Wasn't James Bond almost killed in one once? maybe that was it...
So, what was your batting average, yani?
That, my dear skander, would be telling... :P
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