Oh, wait, that's not me, that's Sophia... sorry... I watched very nearly the whole second season of Golden Girls yesterday... it gets to you after a while...
Let's try again... picture it, Adelaide, 2005... no, sadly, it doesn't quite have the same ring to it...
But either way it was a whole year ago today that yaniblog made it's maiden voyage!
I did some sums and in the last 365 days, I've made 437 posts (which, for the geeky amongst us, works out to be 1.2 posts per day)... and of those posts, there have been...
- 461 comments (not including mine... which would bring the total up to 605)
- 66 commentators
- 64 Currently Reading books
- 48 Random Hotnesses
- 33 Movie Reviews
- 30 Monday Montages (well, 29, plus the original purple montage)
- 27 Photo Fridays
- 17 Camera Club visits
- 14 Memes (plus 3 Expose Yourself style photo memes)
- 9 Templates
- 6 Monday Musings
- 5 "Thoughts on"
- 4 Recipes (plus Tom's Chicken Curry)
- 2 Walk maps
- and a hell of a lot of ellipsis...
Current Mood:

Congratulations Yaniboy, and thank you for letting us read you every day.
Now that that trite little comment is out of the way, let's all get naked! WOOOHOO!!!
Happy birthday, yaniboy. It's been a fun read. :D
Happy birthday yaniblog, and congrats yaniboy! Here's to another year!
Congratulations! Thank you for letting us get a glimpse into your head, apt, town, etc.
Also, thank you for the recipe. I love it when you just try things. I have a similar thing for this Lentil Stew. Originally, it was supposed to be Lentil Soup, but I just kept playing...
Yani!!!! Congrats!!! One year old, and you never looked better! :-) I think you'll be around for the long haul. (I hope so anyway).
Anniversaire heureux, j'attends avec intérêt beaucoup plus. J'aime ce blog Yani.
::Évite d'être frappé par un dictionnaire anglais français::
You and your bloody french Bodhi... :P
Oops, a very belated happy birthday to your blog.
Just so you know upfront, I am ridicuously bad about keeping up with blogs, and even worse at actually commenting or participating.
Think of me as that lovable cousin who pops in randomly for a visit. My absence doesn't mean I don't care, it simply means I am... well, absent :D
Why do I suddenly have an overwhelming urge to call you Cletus... :P
Must be where my brain goes when you say cousin...
Stop it! I call people Cletus too, as a joke of course, when I am imitating the redneck people in the south.
It is disturbing how similar we are sometimes.
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