I had lunch with Freddy today... Freddy is new... Freddy likes to get to know people before jumping into bed with them, which I can appreciate... Freddy bought me lunch... Freddy has really beautiful green eyes and a tongue piercing...
I'm not into Freddy...
But I'm getting ahead of myself...
I chatted with Freddy online about a week ago, and he seemed nice... he was going through some drama with his ex... they're still living in the same house, etc... but they're definitely through... which was good from my perspective.
We agreed to meet up for lunch on Gouger Street (essentially the heart of Adelaide's rather meager Chinatown), his treat (since I'm essentially broke), which I thought was nice... but after we'd made the arrangements and he'd logged off, I suddenly realised who he was...
Because Adelaide is a Two Degrees of Kevin Bacon town at the best of times (as opposed to the usual six)... I realised I'd chatted to both Freddy and his Ex (or more accurately, mostly to his Ex) on a previous occasion regarding the possibility of a little threeway action (since the Ex was someone I'd had playtime with about six or seven years ago anyway), but with one thing and another it never eventuated. Then a day or so before Freddy and I arranged to meet, the Ex had messaged me online, and we'd chatted in that flirty online kind of way.
Then the Ex was online again last night and we had a little flirty chat again, and if I hadn't still been feeling like death warmed over (plus the fact I was meeting Freddy for lunch today), well, who knows what might have happened (we'll assume nothing would have happened because of the lunch date, but, well...).
The interesting thing was that knowing what I knew, I gave the Ex three different opportunities to tell me about him and Freddy being kaput, and he didn't take up any of them...
So naturally, once we were sitting down to lunch today (I had yum cha for the first time, which was nice... a little strange in parts, but nice... and less heavy than a full meal) I put on my Bob the Builder demolition hat (as subtle as a wrecking ball, that's me) and asked Freddy straight out what was up. And surprisingly enough it wasn't Freddy who lied (I actually didn't think it was to be honest), but rather the Ex who was spinning stories.
Now Freddy knows what the Ex has said (although not 100% of it, just the bare basics), I know that Freddy knows... the only person who doesn't know is the Ex... in fact he doesn't even know we had lunch... *grin*... poor Ex.
I'm not completely sure what to do with the information to be honest... I might just file it away until it's appropriately useful (if it ever is, which I doubt). It's honestly not going to get me anything, so it's just interesting more than anything else.
Unfortunately Freddy has enough emotional baggage to go to Europe and back twice... added to that is the fact that even with the pretty green eyes and tongue piercing, I'm just not physically attracted to him. Which also means I probably shouldn't have kissed him after I walked him to his car... well, sometimes you just have to check these things out... it wasn't a bad kiss, but it wasn't up there in the top five...
So it kind of leaves me in a quandary about what to do... potentially I could have playtime with both of them and just keep my mouth shut about it... or I could just write both of them off and not bother with the pair of them... or I could give Freddy the flick and have playtime with the ex... which, to be honest, is possibly the most likely of the outcomes... at least in the short term.
Current Mood:

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