
dead man's chest indeed...

now i know how jack feelsBloody buggery hell...

Why is nothing I attempt ever simple?

I ask ya...

Ma and I are taking ourselves off to Gold Class to see Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest on Saturday... so I decided that checking up on ticket availability was probably a good plan this morning...

Turns out I was right... the evening sessions for Saturday were all booked up, and the two daytime sessions were already starting to fill up...

So I went through the booking procedure online, then called Ma to confirm my selections... then waited to call the cinema to doublecheck that we were getting the seats on the opposite side of the theatre from the entrance... which took about 15 minutes (the waiting, not the phonecall luckily)...

I called, confirmed they were on the opposite side... went to finish up my online transaction... and no... I'd left it too long, so the whole thing fell over and told me that it had timed out...

My own fault... but still a pain in the butt...

I went to start the ticketing process again... but alas, the online ticketing system was suddenly down (you think maybe I crashed the system?)... so I had to call the cinema again and book them over the phone...

But when I'd gone through all the information with the girly on the phone and we got to the bit about selecting the appropriate seats... well... the two seats I wanted, D1 and D2, they were still "on hold"... probably because of my aborted online transaction earlier...

So she went through the rest of the process, over 18, blah blah blah, turn up early, blah blah blah, non refundable, blah blah blah... before checking if the seats had become available... no such luck...

She told me she would try again in a little bit, and if those seats weren't available for whatever reason, then were there two others I wanted... I told her the two in front (C1 and C2) would be just fine...

But now I'm having a panic moment... what happens if the system actually did book D1 and D2 for me... and then the girly will book me C1 and C2 AS WELL... I'm guessing that in that situation they will refund the money... if not, those are suddenly very expensive movie tickets...

I checked my bank balance online and the money has been put "on hold" in my credit account... so I'm not sure if that's good new or bad news... hopefully it just means that the seats freed up and she booked them for me...

I'll have to call again later to check that everything went okay...

Current Mood: freakin


Larry said...

Well, knowing is half the battle as GI Joe says. So if you see a double charge you know what to do :)

Tom said...

Grrr... I hate it when technology doesn't work. I'm sure they'll refund you if you did manage to book twice. I did it once on the Qantas website - booking a flight online the thing crashed at the very last stage so I did it again, but suddenly got two confirmation emails. I phoned them up - it was 11pm so firstly I wasn't expecting to get anyone and secondly I was expecting to have to fight, but they were really reasonable, said it happened all the time, and refunded my second ticket immediately.

Hope you enjoy the film!