
what's in my dvd collection

my dvds 2006Okay, this is half inspired by Eddy's long ago Expose Yourself post where he showed off his DVD collection... half inspired by the What's On Your Bookshelf meme I did a while back.... and half inspired by the fact I can't come up with something really interesting to blog about...

And yes, for the record, that's three halves...

Unlike Eddy, I haven't sorted my stuff into "regular" and "gay" DVD's (if I did, I would currently have a "gay" collection of five movies... and yes Andrew, that is The Broken Hearts Club on the top shelf... it was a recent purchase)... although I have sorted my "teevee series" DVD's from the rest... so Buffy, Futurama and Press Gang currently reside in a different bookshelf, and I would have taken a picture, but most of my Buffy collection is off with Stu from Camera Club... the once exception to this is Golden Girls... but then I only have the first two seasons so far...

And again, yes... also like Eddy, my DVD's are all arranged alphabetically... well, c'mon... I have 203 DVD's (technically more if you count actual discs... I'm just going off the cases)... how else would I ever be able to find anything?

I'm also happy to say that the vast majority of my collection (bar perhaps three or four discs) has been purchased way below recommended retail price... thank god for ongoing specials at the Red Circle Boutique amongst other places...

The really annoying thing is that I've run out of room in that bookcase (which is actually why the teevee DVD's are elsewhere... although they did have their own section at the end of the movies), and I'm going to have to slide part of the collection over to the other bookshelf as I get more... rather than just moving the tail end of the alphabet over, I'm going to go through and weed out first the "strange and unpopular" DVD's (ultra-el-cheapo stuff mostly), then the "less often watched" stuff... beyond that... well we'll worry about that when we get there.

Current Mood: mmm movie goodness


Tom said...

Wow, you could open a blockbuster! I don't think I've even seen half of those!

S said...

I own one (that right, one) DVD.

Sad, huh?

Larry said...

You have the Dark Crystal. I loved that movie when I was little :) I might just have to take a picture of my DVD's now :)

yani said...

Larry: I also own it's sibling movie, Labyrinth (second shelf, just after the yellow and red Kill Bill movies)... gotta love the Henson work...

Steven: One?

Sunshine said...

We so don't like the same movies! LOL :P

yani said...

LOL yeah, I thought that too... we do have a few movies in common though...

S said...

Yup, one.

And, on top of it, it's not even a movie, but a concert film.

no more said...

I organize mine by genre, unfortunately my corner shelf for dvd's no longer fits them all. But i also noticed when i started dividing them up by the genre type that it also color seperated - white cases tend to be those comedy feel goods. Dramas that pull at hearstrings are often a dark brown. Sci-fi and action are dark blue and black. I usually find when i wanna watch a movie i base it on my current mood, sometimes i just wanna watch a good shoot em up action so i go right to that shelf.

i'm also indecisive and lazy. So that means instead of standing in front of the shelf for an hour trying to make up my mind i actually have a small pair of binoculars by my sofa so i can sit and look at them from where i'm sitting.

now that is a truly sad story isn't it? ;-) What...no Xanadu? How can you not have a disco musical on roller skates movie? for shame