I got visited by the Census Faerie on Saturday evening... the nice lady who's doing my area swung by to give me all the paperwork and whatnot... it's on 8 August, which is actually a Camera Club night, so I'll probably do the paperwork in the afternoon some time... especially since I can do it online for the first time this year... which should be interesting... It's weird... the census happens every 5 years... but I actually don't remember 2001 census... hmmm... well maybe I do, but not well... but I do remember the 1996 one clearly because I was living with Ludo at the time, and he refused to put his details down (can't remember if he did in the end or not)... he was such a tosser sometimes...
After my adventures yesterday, I realised that part of my big toe is numb... the whole left side of the big toe on my right foot, and a little bit of the left side of my foot feels like I've been sitting on it and my foot went to sleep... but without the pins and needles... I'm guessing it's temporary and probably has something to do with kneeling on a hard tile surface for too long... or else I just pinched a nerve somehow...
Oh, and I called about that parking fine I got... and was served by an overly perky sounding girl called Crystal (which just sounds too Big Brother related to me), and she basically told me that I was shit out of luck and that the road rule was a valid one (well DUR Crystal, I did used to do the court reporting for the minor traffic infringement offences when I worked for the Magistrates Court, I knew that)... but if I wanted to big and moan some more, I'd have to put something in writing for them to review... and after looking it up, I would have to show that "the conduct allegedly constituting the offence was merely a technical, trivial or petty instance of a breach of the relevant enactment"... which I actually think that it was... So I might put together an email in the next day or so and shoot it off...
I made an appointment to have my hair cut tomorrow... would you believe it's been about two and a half months since I last had it done? And it does really need doing... it's very much at that stage now... Unfortunately, because I left it so long, I'm fresh out of hairdressers... Rachael, who I was going to get to do it, has gone off to have her baby and do the whole mother thing... and Kathy, who was my regular hairdresser for ages, hasn't returned (if she actually is going to return) from wherever it was she was going (back to Queensland I think)... so I'm going back to one of the girls who cut my hair a couple of times in the past (before I ended up with Kathy I think), Christie... maybe I need to find a new salon... you know, in all the years I've been having my hair cut at salons (which technically isn't as many as you might think, since my aunt used to be a hairdresser at some stage, and I spent the first ten or so years of my life having her cut my hair), I've never knowingly had a gay male hairdresser... and yet Ma can't seem to get anything but big gay hairdressers...
After the nightmare I had back in April installing my new Norton Anti Virus software, my computer has suddenly developed a random error between Norton and, I think, Office... JOY! They're just not playing nicely... I keep getting one of those "reinstall office" type pop-up boxes, which then tells me that Norton doesn't support the "Repair" function and I should uninstall and reinstall it... screw that... I'll just put up with the little pop-ups for the time being... they're not that frequent...
Now, I know this is going to make me sound like a massive lamo (lameo... lame-o?), but I made sure that I got one of those fresh pasta and sauce things (I think it's San Remo pasta and Latina sauce) for dinner tonight... which in itself doesn't sound so lame... except for the fact that I got it specifically... I'm not sure it's a tradition or anything, but I have done it for a fair few... actually probably for every Big Brother finale, even when I didn't watch the series. Yeah, I know... big lamo... Interestingly, the first year I did it, I'd only really watched the Uncut shows, but watched the finale anyway... and grabbed the pasta and sauce up on the way home from work as a quick and easy dinner... but while walking home I then proceeded to trip and fall, tearing up both my work pants, and my knee... and ended up sitting, eating dinner and watching the finale with my leg up on the folding table so I didn't bleed everywhere... tragic really...
And now on to my penultimate Big Brother rambling... can you feel the excitement... can you... no, me either...
Okay, I will admit, I am kind of excited about tonight... sure, it's not the final two I would have liked since David was evicted last night... but I'm still really eager to see what happens with the finale. I just wish they still kept the housemates in the house when they announced the winner... and made the winner pace back and forward collecting their thoughts for half an hour while they interviewed the runner up... rather than bringing both housemates out of the house and announcing it on stage. I know they do it so they can milk the moment and leave the announcement until the very, very, very last moment (which I'm guessing won't be much this side of 10pm, even though the show, which starts at 7pm, is only supposed to run until 9:30... you would think, after all this time, they would just say, yes, we know it's going to run long, it always runs long, lets just say it's going to go until 10pm...
The other thing I'm very willing to hold my hand up to is crying like a big girlyman on and off all the way through last night's BB... first, during the daily show when the housemate's Mamas (and Camilla's best friend) came in... I actually nearly cried just reading about it on the website... but watching it, I did cry like the aforementioned girlyman... and weirdly, when Camilla had the cry/laugh reaction sitting by the pool, I was having the exact same reaction right along with her.
Then, after David's unfortunate eviction, when they showed a lot of him being emotional and stuff, I cried again... and then when they reunited him with Sherif, I cried A LOT... and was busy going "Awwwwwwww" (especially when Gretel shooed Sherif offstage so she could ask the 10 Questions, and David just wouldn't let Sherif's hand go as he walked away)... although I did note that they went to a really, really, really wide arena shot just after they were coming up onto the stage... seemingly, just in case the big gay farmer and his (actually not that hot and slightly French sounding) dark and swarthy lover decided to have, like, a man kiss, and scare the children and old people... big raspberry for whoever was in charge of the camera choices there... we had to watch Krystal and Gaelen snog up close and personal... wasn't that the whole point of David going into the house, to be treated equally!
Actually, it was very odd, I woke up at 6:30 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep... mostly because I kept thinking about David... well, David and Sherif actually... and the fact that I amused, having put together various things that David had said over his time in the house, to think that at some point overnight Sherif probably had his legs up over his head with David showing him JUST how much he'd missed him these past three months... but it was still very odd because it was an amused thought rather than a big sexual thought...
Now it's down to Whingerella and The Headband... aka Camilla and Jamie... although I have referred to Jamie by other names in the past. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's going to be Camilla... it's just a feeling... We'll have to see...
Current Mood:

I woke up extra early this morning too because of a bird screeching in a tree. At first I thought it was one of those little ones whose cry is about 50 times bigger than they are, but when I opened up the door to scream "get the f*** out of my tree you f***ing F***er!!" I discovered it was a full grown hawk. Great. I scared away one of the COOL birds...
Spot on the money about BB overrunning! Not about the winner though... shame, I think Camilla deserved it more, not sure why, but I find Jamie a bit weird.
Arghhhh... just realised you Adelaiders are half an hour behind us... hope I didn't ruin it for you... sorry! :P
Dur... I was busy watching it... nowhere near the computer :P
And yeah, I agree with you that Cam deserved it more...
Not that I can whinge, since I never vote...
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