
where i blog

I hate you Larry...

Okay, that's not true...

But when I saw Larry's "Where I Blog" post I started thinking, "hey, I could do that"... but then I looked at my computer and it's surrounds and went, "hmmm... dusty"... and I hate to dust... hate it with a passion... but the next thing I know, there I am with a feather duster in my hand getting rid of all the dust and tidying up the random crap around the computer... you know, all the stuff I would do if I could be bothered doing housework more regularly or thoroughly...

I can't completely blame Larry though, Eddy did the same thing a while ago... so damn that Eddy and his Nathan-inspired Exposure posts too... *wink*

So here it is... I've exposed my DVD's, my books, my favourite things... and now, where I blog...

where i blog 2006Yeah, I know... I don't have a desk... I don't actually have ROOM for a desk... so I juryrigged my own desk about a hundred billion years ago (okay, I exaggerate, we all know this) out of this chest of drawers that I've had since I was a kid... took the top drawer out, turned it upside down and put it back in again, then closed it to just fit my keyboard... it does mean that I can't put my legs under a desk, which bugs me every now and again... but it's also has the maximum amount of storage space.

The drawers are right next to my bedside table (on the left there), then if you were to continue going left, that would be my bed... but this is about computers, not beds, so I digress...

That orange and grey thing with the aerial, that's the home base for my cordless phone which is off on the kitchen bench and only gets put into it's cradle on the very infrequent occasion that it needs to be recharged.

On top of the computer speaker subwoofer is my Happy House Faerie, which serves two purposes... the first being decorative, the second being something I can loop the cord for my digital camera around so I can find the end of it easily. And behind it (you can just see a sliver of purple behind the base of the faerie) sits the new USB hub I bought the other day from one of the el-cheapo shops (and which I thought I would have blogged about on Monday, but obviously didn't)... $4, four ports and it's a godsend... means I don't have to pull the computer away from the wall when I want to switch between my camera cable and my phone cable or even the rare instances when I want to plug my jumpdrive in.

Next to the subwoofer are my Elfquest hardcover graphic novels since I ran out of room for them in the bookshelves (and for a while there I was referring to them every now and again on one of the EQ fansites... yeah, yeah, I already know I'm a fanboy... hush).

Larry's blog post that caused all this is on my big-ass 19" monitor, which is turn shows Vuboq's post on Larry's monitor... I wonder if someone uses my post for reference it will become one of those things like when you hold a webcam up to a monitor and see infinite versions of the same image... no, guess not...

Although you can't see it from this angle, my mousepad is tucked in there next to the keyboard (and for the record, no I'm not left handed, I just like having the mouse on the left hand side of the keyboard, more room), and has Winnie-the-Pooh's head on it.

The two little animals on top of my hard drive are from Neopets... the yellow one is a Blumaroo (and a plushie, from a McDonald's Happy Meal actually, when Neopets and Maccas did a cross promo deal), and the red one is a Kougra (and both electronic and voice activated, although I normally have him switched off... and okay, technically it's MY Kougra... shut up). Next to the Blumaroo, although it's a little hard to see, are my amethyst crystals... partly because it's another purple thing, and I have four of them but also because I read something somewhere about keeping a piece on or near your computer to theoretically "soak up" the radiation from the screen. How much of that is factual and how much of it is urban legend I don't know, but when I'm working anywhere for a long while, an amethyst is usually the first piece of tchotchka I bring in from home.

On the other side, next to the Kougra, there's a smooth brown pebble... I have no idea why... I just have a thing about smooth pebbles and I'm not even sure where this one is from, or why it's still on the computer... but it is, so I'm leaving it there...

The two Post-Its on the bottom of the monitor are actually DVD's that are on sale this week... must remember to have a look at those either Friday or Saturday... even with all the appropriate technology, I'm still a big fan of the Post-It... invariably when I'm working they're stuck all around my computer monitor with random people's phone numbers or other pieces of information on them.

And for the record, the orange button on the front of my computer isn't some launch system for weapons of mass stupidity... it's actually the "tester" from the last toothbrush I bought that had a "tongue scraper" on the back of the head, and again, for unknown reasons, I ended up sticking it onto this "non-button" on my CPU.

Current Mood: doin good


Larry said...

That's awesome! Unergonomic, but awesome nonetheless! I have never seen anyone use a chest of drawers as a desk before. Now that I see it in action, I guess it must work OK.

I apologize for making you dust, man :)

yani said...

Its actually not as unergonomic as you would think... the shelf is pretty much on the appropriate level for my wrists to be straight (first time for everything, I know), and the lip of the drawer actually gives me a little rest for my palms (although, funnily enough, I can't use those commercial gel things, on either mouses or keyboards)... although technically my monitor falls a little below the prescribed eyeline, but damn it, I have a big monitor...

And it's okay... I only dusted the computer, then stopped, so it's not like it led to a dusting orgy or anything...

skander said...

A Blumaroo and a Kougra! Yay! I only have a plushie Scorchio. Seeing as I don't spend money at Macca's, I was unable to partake in their neopets promo. :(

What sorta pet do you have yani?

Sunshine said...

Winnie the Pooh mouse ... hmm ... I believe you called me "so very gay" once... ;)

yani said...

Skander: Strangely enough, a Kougra and a Blumaroo (although the Blumaroo keeps changing since it's my Lab Ray pet)... oh god... did that sound as geeky as I think it sounds? I was actually a bad boy while the first NP promo was on and went once a week (every time the plushies changed)... I have a big bag on the ones I don't want if you're interested LOL... *makes mental note to take a shot of them all... and get GEEK branded on forehead*

Sunshine: MousePAD... and hush... you are so very gay... but it takes one to know one... :P (although your music tastes are SOOO much gayer than mine... which means I win... hehehe)

skander said...

I've got a Hissi and a Buzz on the acco9unt I'm using now—the other one was rudely suspended for an inadequate reason, and I lost my treasured robot jetsam. :(

Nathan said...

I'll settle this ... you and Sunshine are BOTH gay :)

You certainly know how to make a space work. That's clever.

I used to use an old dinner table for my computer, so I know all about being creative with your computer set-up.