
all done

The deed is done...

"You killed the girl that sought the Slayer?"

Sorry... channeling other parts of my brain for a second there... although points if you can name the reference... and the characters involved...

I had the conversation with Bear last night... I think he knew what was coming given the conversation we'd had on Monday night, but it was still hard.

We ended things on a good note, and I told him that if and when he becomes a free agent I'd like to hear from him. And then I deleted him from MSN and out of my phone. I didn't quite go as far as Tom suggested, I only deleted Bear, I didn't block him on MSN or bar his number from my phone (I'm not sure I'd know how to do that anyway)... so at some later point he can contact me...

Oh, and for the record Tom, I'm SO the kind of person to wonder "what if"... but I'll wonder it more if I'm in contact with someone than I will when they're out of sight and out of mind.

And it's funny, although it was hard and part of me didn't want to do it, it is a weight off my mind... I can now stop thinking about him and get on with things.

I have to say thanks for your collective and varied points of view... not that any of you really came up with anything that I hadn't already thought about, but it was interesting to see it from different perspectives. I will admit, while I had thought about the "what's to stop him from doing this again if he and I were dating" issue, I possibly hadn't given it as much thought as some of you did. Although I'm not sure I would consider chatting online "cheating", but that's another issue for another day.

Of course if I eventually get myself to Sydney, then all bets are off... but we'll cross that bridge if and when we get to it.

Current Mood: better


Larry said...

I know I'm evading the point of the post, but who said that quote from Buffy?

p.s. So long as you're OK, that's all I care about :)

Sunshine said...

Good on you, yaniboy. I think you made a good decision. :)

yani said...

Thanks guys...

And Larry: Alternaverse Master to Alternaverse Vamp Xander... :P (although, the original "the deed is done" line is Vamp Xander's)... from "The Wish"...

Tom said...

Glad you found a good answer!

Lu. said...

Hi, I just got here 'cause I was looking for what John Mayer says in Love Song For No One intro and found it in a post you wrote last September.

Just passed by to say thanks.


Larry said...

Ahh, alternaverse-- I loved Evil Willow :)