So, thus far we have thoughts about desks and beds and photos from one's childhood all milling around in my head...
And then I remembered that at some point back in the mists of time I'd done that very thing... taken shots of my room...
I delved into the archives, managed to find the shots, and dragged out the scanner...
I was probably about 12 or 13 when I took these, so we're talking 1986-87, maybe a little earlier... I'm pretty sure it was towards the end of primary (elementary) school, but before high school... I think I'd been on one of my semi-irregular cleaning and organising and interior designing phases, and had to record my handiwork for posterity...

And then we have my desk...

Check out the massive amounts of Lego for a second... not only the massive space set on the chest of drawers (the same chest, I might add, that I'm currently using as my computer desk, and that, at some point after this, served as the home for my fish tank)... but also the blue elephant thing and little black car in the middle of the desk... good grief...
And I was right, it has to have been either during or after 1986, since that flag behind the pot plant is the flag for South Australia's 150th birthday celebration, which happened in 1986...
Hmmmm... another radio on the right hand edge of my desk... the little black and silver number... this would have been around the time I was listening to music and the radio a lot obviously.
I'm also forced to smile checking out the trainset... I think I played with that thing a grand total of like five times... and then it lived out it's days taking up space behind my desk and drawers. I never quite saw the point... once you've watched the train go around once, well, what else is there...
I wish I'd taken a shot of the opposite wall from the desk, you can just see in the mirror one of the posters on that wall (which actually says Adelaide Zoo and had a tiger on it)... but that wall was absolutely covered in posters, from one end to the other... I don't know why I didn't take a shot of that wall... or maybe I did, but I just don't have a copy of it. From memory, the desk wall had it's share of posters too, although all you can see in that shot is the Martian Space Race board game thing that came from Pizza Hut, and the certificate on the right edge that was from something at school.
Oh, and my desktop... in the literal, and not computer sense... it was covered with a world map originally, but I put a poster on it, and then covered it with a sheet of plastic Ma had gotten for one of her craft projects... the poster was some anti-smoking campaign we got at school... the tag line of which was "Only dags need fags"... yeah, I know, the irony...
So yeah, that was my environment, mid 80's style... once a dork, always a dork...
Current Mood:

Wow, I'm inspired. I know I have a pic somewhere of my bedroom from the 70s: purple chenille bedspread and golden orange net continuous curtains...
Now where's that box of photo albums?
I love lego. There are about 10 ice cream boxes of it in my father's loft at home. The best thing was my 2 light bricks that were the same size as a normal 2x2 block but had a light in the front - either headlamps or lights for a house. Very cool! Actually, not as cool as the lego train set that a friend had - that was just showing off though!
That's not dorky at all. You must have been an adorable child. :)
Therin: Chenille... it's a nice hardwearing fabric... dammit, I channelling Fast Forward again...
Tom: I had sooooo much Lego... two bins full (think a size up from your regular waste paper bins)... one regular, one space...
Sunshine: I was a Mama's boy and a dork... I'm okay with that...
Those pictures rock :) And speaking as a 31 year old that still has star wars fighters hanging on his bedroom walls, you aren't dorky at all.
Hmm, maybe I am... Why is everyone looking at me like that?
It looks like the room of every teen boy.
Even though I had (cough, have) tons of Lego and other toys, I had to put them away every night.
My friggin' room always looked pristine, like it was wrapped in plastic.
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