
montage monday: circles

circles 2006See what desperation and grasping at straws can get you... on the plus side, at least it's actually a Montage... It was easier than I thought to find an appropriate number of circles, even if there are a couple of repeating themes in there.

After using my pedometer for all of my walks last week, I can announce that my average number of steps is 7282... which I'm not sure is accurate, because I'm pretty sure that the pedometer is actually a piece of crap and is reading more than one step per step a lot of the time. I'm still trying to work out if it should be more or less steps on the days when I walk faster... I never was that good with spatial mechanics... or math for that matter...

I really, truly wanted to murder my neighbour yesterday... well, for most of last week actually... but yesterday specifically. All last week he'd been laying paving stones in his front yard... which should be fine, right... except they (he and his merry band of little work monkeys) need to cut vast numbers of them to size... so they were running a circular saw or whatever it is you use to cut big ass paving stones for selected periods last week... including a large chunk of the afternoon yesterday... and his front yard is situated right outside my bedroom window! Not so good! Never have I wished so hard for a workplace accident... stoopid man... he just needs to hurry up and finish the damn house already... it's been being renovated for what seems like forever... but which is probably more like eighteen months...

I changed the wallpaper in the sidebar yesterday, and I was looking at the few images I had left in my yaniwallpaper folder, and realised they were all from a while back and I hadn't made any out of recent photos... so, of course, that led me to going off and playing in Photoshop and coming up with fourteen new wallpapers. I'm not sure if that means I'm going to change them more often than I have been, but you never know...

This is going to be my second to last Big Brother related ramble for the year... well, it might be the third to last, since there will be my usual musings next Monday in the morning, and then most likely a final post like last year's after the season finale that night...

I was nearly right with my predictions on the eviction schedule last week... instead of a double then double then final four, it looks like it's going to be last night's double, then a midweek single this week, then a double next Sunday, leaving the final two.

It has to be said that I was actually a little shocked by Krystal's eviction last night... I was sure it was going to be Claire (who did get evicted) and then Max (I've been using the "Who Will Go" poll on the BB website to back up a lot of my guesses, and that's what the results were for this Sunday)... partly because I wanted to keep Chris in for a bit longer, since he's so cute...

I actually think it's going to come down to David and Camilla as this year's final two... it could be Jamie and Camilla, but I kind of doubt it... and I think it will be Max who goes on Wednesday... and then probably Chris and Jamie on Sunday...

If it is David and Camilla then I have no idea who will win... but out of Jamie and Camilla, I think Camilla will win... we'll just have to see I guess...

Current Mood: that monday feeling again


Tom said...

About the steps thing... depends on your walking style. Being the lazy person I am, when I walk faster I take longer steps so would have fewer over the same distance the longer I go, but if you look at those olympic power walker people they take small steps but lots of them quickly... so they'd do more steps the faster they went. I think. Or something. Confused? I am now! :P

yani said...

And now you know why I'm confused too...