
montage monday: close up

close up textures 2006Another Monday, another Montage... it's amazing what you can come up with at the 11th hour when you're all out of ideas. I have this thing about details anyway, spotting details in things... so during my regular Sunday stroll to get the paper (and, incidentally, that's what set this whole montage thing off in the first place) I took the camera along and took a bunch of shots of things close up. I was kind of going for textures, so every time I got to a new kind of surface I took another shot. I did get a weird look from this dried up old woman while I was taking a couple of the shots in the laneway on the way back... I just smiled and nodded... which she chose to ignore, instead fixing me with this beady-eyed stare...

Not a whole lot of note happened over the weekend... or the week for that matter... my curry last Monday was a disaster... I got my heater back, thank god...

Actually the whole curry disaster was interesting... it's the first time I'd made something just for me after a month and a bit of feeding J and then Monkey too... and it was the first time in a while I'd had a massive disaster... added to the fact that I made about 100 times too much of it (it's hard to start cooking for one again after cooking for three)... but I also had a little sad moment when I was sitting on the sofa watching teevee, mixing my rice and curry together, because it just reminded me of Monkey (since we both do the mix then eat thing, whereas J just does the dive straight in thing)... yeah, yeah, I know how it sounds... I just miss being able to have them over on a Monday, that's all... it was nice to have more than just me in the place.

I need to call my car dealership today... since I took my car in for it's service in the middle of May the air vent thingy doesn't work properly... air comes out, but when you change the direction it's supposed to be coming out (ie onto the windshield as a demister, or onto your feet, or whatever) it just doesn't... I actually realised what has going on when Ma and I went to J's for his farewell dinner... and I really should have called them that week, but I've been slack... again...

The really big news this weekend I can't actually claim as my own (thank god)... it's all about Big Brother... Ashley (whose real name is Michael) and John (whose real name is also Michael), were removed from the Big Brother house after an alleged sexual harassment incident involving Camilla (whose real name, you will be pleased to hear, is not Michael, but actually Camilla)... the show is being very closed off about what actually happened, even going so far as to censor both the live internet feed from the house, the website discussion forums and the Daily Show footage on Sunday night so that the whole thing has ended up sounding a lot bigger and more dangerous than it may actually have been.

According to the BB06 entry on Wikipedia (which is a good alround BB reference anyway, but one I only discovered this weekend) "Ashley allegedly slapped his penis in Camilla's face while John held her down"... however when Camilla did discuss the situation with the remaining housemates, or at least the heavily edited version of it, it sounds like they were just mucking around (under the influence of alcohol), they went a little too far (and John was holding her arms down, but she still had room to wriggle and move and whatnot, at least from the way I understood what she was saying), Camilla called a halt to it, they stopped, and I don't think she was that offended by it. But now the police are involved...

There's a statement on the BB website, that in part, says: "No footage of the incident that led to housemates Ashley and John being evicted was broadcast on television, nor would it be. This is a closed police matter. TEN and ESS proactively invited the Queensland Police to view the footage, and they subsequently interviewed housemate Camilla, who reiterated she did not wish to take the matter forward."

Of course this has brought all the wowsers and "moral majority" and politicians eager to trade on "family values" (don't get me started) out from under their usual rocks... while I'm not saying it was appropriate behaviour, he slapped his dick on her face... he didn't try and make her perform oral sex (which is what I think a lot of people assume was happening)... and Network 10 and Big Brother's refusal and delay in actually explaining the full and complete story is only hurting both the housemates involved AND the show.

In related news, big blonde model, Gaelan was evicted...

Current Mood: mondayitis


Sunshine said...

Stupid politicians - they should just shut up about BB. Idiots. Sorry - enough spitting. :P

skander said...

Yeah, what's with Kim Beazley jumping on the moral minority's (read Trish Draper's) bandwagon? Jeez, those SOuth Australians have a LOT to answer for.

Tom said...

It's all a bit odd isn't it. Because they didn't say exactly what happened on BB or the main tv news it's made it all the more mysterious. Typical of the politicians to try to get some mileage out of it.

yani said...

Oi Skander... Don't lump those losers in with the rest of the South Australian people... they no more represent our collective view than any politician does... :P

I was surprised to see the original web footage show up on Channel 9 news tonight... but unfortunately I missed out on seeing it.