
porn swap

porn swapLike I mentioned on Monday, I had a pile of old porno tapes to either swap or give away or whatever... which was also the reason I discovered my car battery was cactus... so after I picked up my car today (turned out it had been on charge overnight, but the battery wasn't holding a charge anyway, so hot little Anthony at the garage put a new battery in for me instead... mmmm greasemonkey), I took a quick trip to see what I could get for old random VHS porn...

The short answer... $25 store credit...

Which works out to $2.50 per tape... not exactly stunning, but better than a kick in the rubber parts...

I must have looked at every damn DVD in the store... I was hoping that there would be a couple of titles there... and while I did find one of Hunter's movies, it wasn't the one I was looking for, but I did stand there for a while going back and forth about whether to get it or not... but really, I would only have been getting it to see Hunter in action... so instead I just went with random skinny twink movie (although, just for something different, I think they're English, and the blonde on the cover is Australian, which will just be weird hehe)... I haven't watched it yet... there's something about watching porn in daylight that just seems unwholesome... granted, buying it in the middle of a a bright and sunny weekday seemed vaguely unwholesome too...

And even with the $25 credit, it still cost me $25... which I actually wasn't expecting... I don't know why, but I'd got it into my head that because the "swap price" of the DVD was $25 and I had $25 credit, that somehow it was going to work out at $0... alas that wasn't the case... ah well, you live and learn...

Current Mood: yaaay new porn


Larry said...

Apparently the store credit shocked you so much you ended up double posting :)

If I had to vote I'd say my favorite porn tape of all time is Skatebaord Sliders 2. The last scene is pretty sweet. I've only got two porn movies with my beloved Ty Parks (7 deadly sins: Envy and Bucketful O' Chicken). It's kind of messed up since I only have two porn DVD's. The rest of it is still on ancient VHS. Personally I use the computer more anyway. Speaking of which-- I need to get drapes...

yani said...

Huh, who, what? Double posting?

Oh... right... I see what you mean now... I thought I caught that... I thought I accidentally hit Alt V to paste but when I looked at it I didn't think that I'd actually pasted anything....

Turns out I was wrong...

All fixed now...

And yeah, I use the computer more than DVD's or videos too...

I'm not even going to ask how that made you think of drapes though...

Oh, right... self pleasuring in front of the window... gotcha... :)