
supposed camera club shoot

camera club shootTonight was supposed to be a Portraiture Workshop at Camera Club... okay, that's not fair... it actually WAS a Portraiture Workshop... I just didn't care enough to shoot anything...

It was like last year around this time... I didn't bother loading the camera before I saw the quality (and more importantly the gender) of the models. They were all female, so I didn't bother even putting film in, let alone shooting anything... well, other than this shot of the set up early on, just so I had something to add to the blog.

Stu and I ended up wandering about outside talking crap about random teevee shows (Big Brother, Lost, etc) and taking fairly random shots... initially we went out so he could take shots of the church's stained glass, but they turned the interior lights off before he managed it, so he started off taking shots of planes going over, then random lights outside, then we ended up taking dodgey long exposures of first me, then him, out in the alleyway behind the Camera Club... he's going to send me some of them, so I might post something if it looks halfway interesting.

After that we went and did the coffee thing, and I still didn't get home much before 10:30...

Current Mood: yeah, fairly random

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